Coronavirus Thread Political II

and both cnn and msnbc cut away from it…
CNN put up a chryon that said “Angry Trump Turns Briefing Into Propaganda Session.” and a banner that said “Trump melts down in angry response”

It’s too bad democrats have useless leaders such as pelosi and Schiff. They rather run a political game of impeaching than saving american lives.
Americans are not first in the democrat party.

Anything about the coronavirus at all?

Or did he just use it as an opportunity to whine about how badly he’s been treated by the press?

Forgot to add the link that spurred my quesiton.

There was a paucity of relevant information.

He did assert that as President he has “absolute authority” over the United States. Would any of the Trump supporters who are so concerned about ruling by the Constitution care to comment on where in the Constitution the President is given that authority?

He said it’s over and he’s not listening to the medical people.

You mean the one that’s still going on two hours later…that one?

The one where he discussed ventilator supply’s, re opening the economy and the fairly sizable task force to advise him on that, the discussions he and the VP have had with various governors, the curve of the virus, helping states and other country with various supplies…

That press briefing.

No…nobody said anything about the Coronavirus!


Is Trump still there?

What did he have to say about this specifically, Rodeo?

I was under the impression that he had ordered the confiscation of masks back from Bangkok, for example.

Remember when “State’s Rights” was a pillar of conservatism?

Well not anymore:

I hit a traffic jam for the first time in a month today.

Happy Xmas (Pandemic is over)

Trump is not a conservative.

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I was listening on my lawnmower but as I remember he spoke of restocking our supplies, that the federal government had ventilators available for states and something about sharing supplies if needed with other countries, that we had restocked our bare cupboards with emergency supplies and there are new contracts with GE and other companies to make those kinds of products.

I m sure you can do your own homework…the point is there was plenty of Coronavirus discussion

trump did not say what the title of this article says

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Who did he say has the authority?

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“We’re going to write up papers on this…”

What a clown.

Yet conservatives support him.

@thinkingman, Agree or disagree:

When somebody is the president of the United States, the authority is total.

the tweet doesnt even contain the word authority

nice try