Coronation of King Charles III

By all accounts Harry was an accomplished soldier in the Blues and Royals and was well respected by his men.

IIRC Harry was a recce troop commander in Afghanistan responsible for 6 Scimitar LRVs.

His 15 man troop knew who he was but the top brass tried to limit knowledge of who he was and where he was but gossiping (and bitching) is something British soldiers do at a world class level.

Talking of Megan, its obvious she has systematically disconnected him from his family and friends. My second wife was like that and I did not even realize what she had done until we split. Very manipulative and clever.

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Sometime in the 1st quarter of the 18th century a farmer/ colonist from Wales was given a land grant measuring 8 square miles, in what is now Fayette County PA by then good King George III. He’s an ancestor of my mother and when arriving promptly took an aboriginal woman of the Mingo tribe as as the mother of his three sons, one a direct ancestor of “me Mum”.
Took a while to research this ancestry but it appears the family through the years was a supplier of “beef and corn” to then Lt. Col. George Washington at Ft. Necessity during the seige of the battle of Great Meadows during the French And Indian War. Washington got his arse handed to him and surrendered marching back to Ft.Duquesne in what is now Pittsburgh.
Enter the Revolutionary War. One of our ancestors sons we’ll call Thomas remained loyal to the Crown that turned out u to o be a bad move. He was forced to forfeit his land that was an area encompassing what is now Chalk Hill PA.
That’s the extent of our link to Saxon blood. I find the DNA and historical data very interesting. Would I give two ■■■■■ about the Royals? ■■■■ no!
My Dad is a pure blooded Italian (well DNA says somewhat). I was born in Pittsburgh and American.
The Brits have their monarchy thing, let ‘em enjoy it.

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Thanks for sharing. That is really interesting and pretty cool. My dad was Italian. He came from southern Italy and moved to the UK in the 60s looking for work. Met my mum and stayed.

My Nonno emigrated in 1901 from the Basilica region of Southern Italy.
We have copies of his immigration papers and the ship manifest during his trip.
His race is documented as “Southern Italian” LOL

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That is pretty cool you have your nonno’s immigration papers. Ha race was Southern Italian LOL. My dad was from the Puglia region so not a million miles away.

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The royal lineage is spread over Europe and with all the convoluted goings on since William I time it is possible there is a break.

I remember as a kid being blown away by the fact that King George changed the family name in 1917 from the German Saxe-Coburg-Gotha to the more genteel English “Windsor”.

This man in Australia is the rightful king based on analysis from three years ago. Researchers found good evidence that Edward IV was illegitimate and so is the royal line since then.


Ha that is great. Thanks for sharing.

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. . . when that my mother went with child
Of that unsatiate Edward, noble York
My princely father then had wars in France
And, by just computation of the time
Found that the issue was not his begot . . . Shakespeare, Richard III

It looks like recent DNA tests show similar questions about Richard III, Edward’s brother.

Of course, the good news is perhaps Charles III is not as inbred as the official genealogy might indicate.

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So someone mowed this into the lawn where the Coronation celebration will be held.


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Where is the link of David Icke doing commentary on the coronation?

Correction where “a” celebration will be held. This happened in a park in Bath and is where a neighbourhood celebration will be held. :grinning::grinning::grinning::grinning:.

I find it funny as do most people with a sense of humor.

Watching the lead up to the coronation. The streets are full and there is a smattering of people protesting the monarchy which is their right. Pretty cool seeing the military processions that are happening now.

And of course the Met ■■■■■■ it up by arresting some anti monarchy protestors. They were not even protesting, just getting their stuff out of the van.

Whats worse is they were not even told what they were being arrested for.

I suppose it makes a change from Met police officers raping and murdering women.

Our head of state is sat wearing a golden dressing gown and headgear that would put Liberace to shame.

And people worry about a few blokes in drag…


Off with their heads!

Will the US State Department protest the arrests of peaceful protestors?

Oh god, they are playing the anthem before the football now.

Its all so silly.

Well at least the UK isn’t on fire. Look at that as a positive.

That’s the average Tuesday across the channel in France.