Congressman George Santos Charged With Conspiracy, Wire Fraud, False Statements, Falsification of Records, Aggravated Identity Theft, and Credit Card Fraud

Hoping for another political prisoner? The history of the left is full of such injustice.


the crook santos, a political prisoner?

now thats a hot one.


Then why all they political BS and FEC nit picking… You can’t tell me many politicians have not done worse and lied more to get elected. There’s something wrong about this story!

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Who really thinks that Santos will win again?

So campaign fraud should be ignored? You are right others have done this on BOTH sides but just because they got away with it does not mean we should ignore it.

Anyone who will commit campaign fraud is going to continue finding ways to enrich themselves while they serve.

Amazing. Republicans don’t crime. They are just political prisoners.

Like Denis Hastert. Innocent until dems machine targeted him :joy::joy::joy:

Of course there is. He is a Republican.

So I suppose you must feel the same way about Menendez, right?

My husband and I are both NPA, so there’s that.

He needs to be in jail.

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Shame on his constituents of they don’t primary him. It’s NY after all…

Just as Santos was growing on me.

His fire alarm burn was pretty funny.

I do wonder how much support he has in his district.

Looks like whatever little support he does have is irrelevant as he will not be seeking re-election after the ethics commission released their findings.

A very good development.

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That is for the best.

He will always be a fun trivia question.

I think he can clean up his messes and have a good future.

A good future? Doing what exactly?

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c’mon man :rofl:

Selling cryptocurrency online.

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Capital One spokesperson?

He is a bright guy. Just needs to play it straight.

he can go back to his highly lucrative drag queen career.