Congressional Candidate In Virginia Admits He’s A Pedophile

This man stands alone in his abhorrence and filth. But I cannot help to wonder if this is not part of the natural progression arising out of the time of people like Trump. There will be more and more of these “outsiders who tell it like it is” coming out of the woodwork.

Look at Courtland Sykes in MO. He is running for Senate on the GOP ticket. Another real doozy. Obviously nowhere close to this disgusting excuse for a human. But pretty horrific in his own rights.

Yay. I was going to just post “Trump” as a sarcastic joke but you beat me too it. And I’m not even sure you’re being sarcastic.

the guy also has rape fantasies… just like Bernie Sanders.

ummm… It was Bernie Sanders who wrote about rape fantasies…not Donald Trump.

It was Obama’s own Arne Duncan who appointed NAMBLA sympathizers to head up our school systems.

Pretty sure you got your wires crossed.

Go troll someone else.

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Sorry I beat you “too” it.

can’t refute a post? Not to worry. Just accuse the poster of trolling. It’s easy.

Go troll someone else.


The dregs of humanity, running for office while claiming they are electable because they’re not establishment, is the new normal.

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A Poe political candidate… it was only a matter of time.

I think you are right.

It’s the INCEL terrorists trying to infiltrate our government.

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Dennis Hastert…voted by the GOP House members to the Speakership…2nd in line of succession to the highest office of the land. *Cough *Cough

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Sounds familiar.

well… now you can appreciate why Russian families wanted that law to protect children from nontraditional sexual relationships.

Are you ok with this guy having rape fantasies with children? Please, just a simple yes or no answer will suffice.

Pedos are people too! Give 'em a chance.

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“An admitted pedophile and convicted felon who spent more than a year in prison for threatening to kill President George W. Bush is legally able to run for Congress in Virginia this year because of a 2016 decision by then-Gov. Terry McAuliffe to restore voting rights to thousands of felons.”

How does restoring VOTING rights give a felon the right to run for Congress? Fox News fails to clear that little bit up.

But you have no problem a) not sourcing your quote (I think that is a violation of forum rules) and b) not vetting your source for accuracy.


Why shouldn’t he have his voting rights restored if he’s done his time?

As for admitted pedophile, why should that stop him from running? Hopefully people in Virginia will slap him down hard.