Congress reaches deal to fund gun violence research for first time in decades


Vector? Tool. Are you going to do a separate study on stabbings? Running over with a car? Fire?

Why? Motive.

This study isn’t about violence in America…it’s about guns.

Using public fund to limits their rights.

Liberals should be ashamed…but again we have no liberals here except for few of us.


Exactly what they did last time. And by the way, the claim that Congress prohibited studies is incorrect.

It was called the Dickey Amendment and

none of the funds made available for injury prevention and control at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) may be used to advocate or promote gun control

No prohibition on performing studies.

The fact that this passed the senate tells me republicans still haven’t learn there ■■■■■■■ lesson.

Exactly. They’re allowed to do studies. It’s singling out part that raises concerns.


I provided the pertinent part.

It is very, very dishonest to include suicide in any conversation on “gun violence”.

And as we can see, the thread title is horse ■■■■■

I also noticed that they failed to answered you why the restriction was necessary. :wink:

They can’t answer what they don’t know. The media didn’t tell them.

I guess we’re done here.

@Munimula1 thread go about the way you expected?

Might have to disagree here. I think the forum libs do know, but they support using public funds to do political research on their political enemies.

In this case gun owners.

They want to use public health concerns to impose restrictions on gun owners. That’s the authoritarianism that in em.

If we spent money on inner city violence they would be all over it. Not just being “racist” but for singling out a group of people.

That and they don’t want the public to know it’s there failed policies…so they’re singling out guns.

Libs aren’t as smart as they think thou. What’s disappointing is that the senate help passed this bill.

Repugs just don’t learn.

Federal agencies will receive $25 million from Congress to study gun violence in a government spending deal reached by House and Senate negotiators — a major win for Democrats who have long pushed for dedicated funding to research the issue, a source told The Hill.

This ■■■■ giving democrats money to only get kneecap by em is getting extremely old.


I don’t disagree about the republicrats.

I don’t think libs are nearly as smart as you give them credit for.

Maybe…I know I’ve over estimated them before. :rofl:

I was intellectually intimidated.

Yeah…they made themselves out to be intellectual superior for so long that some believed em. Lucky I was too stupid to fall for it. :wink:

But now they are exposed and they don’t know how to deal with it.

They believe they are superior.

Arrogance got the better of em.

But they will never realize it.

Nope. Admitting everything they were told, everything they believed in, everything they thought was nothing more then illusion is too much for some to bare.

So they continue down the path trying to convinced people of their perception of thee reality…sadly they need to prey on the weak to maintain their numbers.