Concealed carry increases dangers

Looks pretty armed to me. Believe or not, I used to live not far from that mall.

What about the other three?

Which outcome do you prefer?

Not false.

This isn’t Minority Report.

Yeah so who cares about three innocent people he killed prior to, right ?

Are you?

It is false. It is not hard with hindsight to see the commonalities.

What good does hindsight do us?

What I prefer is irrelevant.

What you have created is at hand.

It’s interesting. Trends.

He killed them. Why didn’t the state stop him?

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I never carry a gun and I’m pretty polite :wink:

Because the state has ridiculously lax gun laws ?

Like I said…

:rofl: Then nobody will get shot in California, NYC or Illinois?


My society is definitely very armed and pointedly impolite since my society has more guns per capita than anywhere else in the world and plenty of less than polite shootings.

Nowhere in this country are gun laws not lax. To that point, i actually agree with you that local gun control laws are almost pointless anywhere except maybe Hawaii where it’s difficult to bring outside guns in due to geography.

And guess what ? Lowest rate of gun deaths out of all 50.

This is a gun ownership map, not a graph of how many people in this country are armed. The two are not the same.


Hard to be armed when one doesn’t own a gun, right ?

Hard to be armed when the gun is locked away in a safe too. Impossible to be armed out in public with a gun back at the house.

Ownership != Armed



If you are saying that rate of gun ownership isn’t directly proportional to the rate of those who are actively armed, which countries are then the most armed ones ?