Notice the age of the shooters and how it appears to be dropping…as time goes on? Is this the result of a broken home where there’s no longer both a mother and a father guiding their child into adulthood? How many generations down the road are “we” as this problem continues to exacerbate our nation? Are the children of the children even more undisciplined, angry, lacking true love and hope for their future…committing these soulless crimes at an earlier age? As “we” distance ourselves from God, what we’re actually doing is distancing ourselves from, “love The Lord with all your heart, soul, mind and strength and your neighbor as yourselves”. Now look around you, where ever you live in this country, as the evidence of this truth is revealed.
There are children from broken homes, “parents” who have chosen to be “friends” and not true nurturers, homes where the children are raised by the latest on line programming du jour and no order or discipline. Anyone working in school systems knows this first hand. Covid was nice enough to introduce children to a “virtual learning” worthless experience devoid of classroom and school social interaction exasperating the situations. They’ve gone to a virtual world of non emotional play “killing”. There are thousands of teens that no longer play sports or participate in any club activities at all, they have no self esteem or self worth. Some are sent for psychiatric analysis and are medicated with psychotropic drugs or diagnosed with learning disabilities or the ADD variations. There are reality detached children who are taking marching orders from an alternate virtual world. Denying that reality is plain foolish.
Mass shootings in schools have gone up precisely because of Biden’s “Gun Free Zone” nonsense. It’s more accurately named a Free Fire Zone for crazy people.
At this point, I think the left realizes the fallacy, but they want only the criminals and police to have guns so their philosophy can be imposed on all of us. They think the overlords will reward them for their loyalty to the struggle.
…and all the other weird programs they have put into the schools to detect Mental health problems since the 90’s. All those kids on what is basically speed, and then knowing the entire school system has you down as a kook, they need to talk too to justify their jobs. That must really help their " mental health"…