Columbia, South Carolina Mayor Seat flips Republican after 30 years of unbroken Dem Control

Have they? No fascism? No world wars? No genocides?

When you get a long time out in the wilderness like that, you generally arent the same party as when you last left power by the time you get back,

In our country, they’ve been cyclical. As in power keeps changing hands. And people don’t really like when one party controls all branches of government for too long.

I think all parties and movements are constantly changing/evolving anyhow.

The difference between the two parties in this country is not worth mentioning.

Raising taxes, pissing away money, ever more erosion of freedom, ever bigger central government.

It’s not “cyclical”, it’s a constant drift.

Alright, I don’t really agree but that’s a separate discussion.

I guess we can agree that it’s cyclical between two sides of the same drifting coin then ? :smirk:

I will agree that both “parties” are garbage.

I agree with the premise on the pendulum I think however we got a long to go for it to start swinging back the other way, in other words it probably just started in the Virginia elections. Seems like We the people have a way of correcting it when the country goes to far left or right.