Colorado commission has Masterpiece Bakery in its crosshairs again

Oops, you included seller this time, would you like to see a case of a gun seller being held responsible for knowingly selling a gun to someone who expressed their intent to use it illegally to them? Obviously I couldn’t show one to you for a manufacturer because they don’t sell guns to customers who go on to commit crimes with them, they sell them to stores.

Again, you consider rejection based on personal morality with rejection based on the customer admitting an intention to commit a crime.

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Change to an offensive non crime, no different.

Hello Mr Bartender I would like a white supremacy sling its made with a shot of whisky and some cream, I like to be drunk for my KKK meeting.

Does the bartender offer that drink to anyone?

Sure, he’ll sell you a whisky and cream, just not if you call it a white supremacy sling.

The bartender should tell the customer that he will make s whisky and cream.

Already answered.

(Hint: No.)

No he shouldn’t.

Already addressed.

Customer made it a point to specify the purpose. Deliberately so – considering the same customer tried multiple attempts to generate a rejection that the Colorado committee would take up.

The analogy is the same if it’s a seller. I’ve made the distinction and included them in the conversation earlier.

Yeah, it’s A LOT different.

Sounds like God is pretty picky and choosy about “serving your fellow man” then.

But its ok for the baker to.

through a jaded filter, I suppose it could look that way.

Keep showing your bias and inability to avoid pejoratives.

The first amendment protections for the baker have little to do with your interpretation of his religion but everything to do with his. So… duh… yeah… it’s OK for the baker to figure out what his own religion is. God you people are dense… and desperate.

So he’s not a Christian then.

Does it matter what he calls himself? It is his religion and his interpretation of his religion that matters.

I think that’s a distinction without a difference. If a person (straight or gay) went into Masterpiece and said he wanted a tie cake for a gay friend’s birthday and the baker refused, your position is that it’s okay under CO law because it’s a specific custom cake.

Unfortunately, the way I look at our current SCOTUS, and probably even more so once Kavanaugh gets his commission, is that if the baker refused to do business with a gay person for religious reasons, the SCOTUS would find a way to approve it.

After all there are still many states that have no anti-discrimination laws to protect sexual orientation, at least not when it involves LGBT.

I’m not a boycott advocate. In reality the baker is conducting the boycott. I no more support that than I would people boycotting his bakery just because of his beliefs.

Transsexual might be too long to type out.

What work would you accept as non-offensive instead of tranny? What word do you use?