CNN SNOWFLAKE: Acosta Whines About ‘UN-AMERICAN’ Treatment from Sarah Sanders | Sean Hannity

CNN’s senior White House correspondent unloaded on White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders after a contentious White House press conference this week; claiming his treatment was “un-American.”

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Sarah hammered Accosta with the truth. She is one of the best orators I have seen! What a perfect fit for that job. Of course, Acosta will wine, just like a corrected child.


How is it possible Acosta STILL has a pass to the White House? Acosta has absolutely NO self-respect, decency or dignity. He absolutely represents CNN. Proudly.

i think it behooves the admin to keep nutcases like him around

just to let them showcase their continued derangement.

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You have got to be a plant.

No sane and rational well informed person could ever seriously say that about lying, equivocating, sniveling Sarah Sanders.


Either that or she is the only “orator” you have ever seen.


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Loui, Loui, with all that hate you must me a lib.

What hate?

I do not harbor much hate.

Very little in fact.


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Yes very little, which i am glad. BUT, you do like sour grapes.

Now for this question, Will the Trump economy be bad news for Dims in November?

Making America Great Again #MAGA

Peace Bos’un

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If on election day come November the economic outlook in America still looks good, if Fat Donald has not decided to go full retard (sorry NASCARGIRL) with some economic chaos then obviously that will work to the Republicans benefit at the polls.

It won’t make any difference to the die hard-die stupid Trump fans, or to the proud and oh so wilfully ignorant Donny Deplorable Dummy’s.

However, those low information wanderers, the electorate without a clue type voters, they will most likely not give a ■■■■ what a true low life the president is, if they even know, and will vote with the notion of not changing horses in mid stream, as long as the water looks safely calm.

I have, and from before this new board was up and running, been predicting there will be no “blue wave” come November 6th. I just haven’t seen any reason for it. I don’t see any messaging from the old guard Democrat Party leaders that would resonate with the non-pre-decided voters.

Although I am excited by a few of the new guard folks that are just now dipping their toes in the political pool.

Children aren’t allowed to drink wine.

I love reading your replies, LouC. It is. Like watching the David Letteerman show. Regardless of how assinine some of his jokes were, he was funny.

Goodnight LouC

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Two years into the Trump administration, aggrieved activists are not only accosting Cabinet members or driving them out of restaurants – they’re increasingly taking out their frustration on inanimate objects.

Trump Derangement Syndrome has become a medical crisis for the emotionally charged left.

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Yes Sam, Acosta can give it, but can’t take it. It’s a WH presser, NOT The Jim Acosta Show. MAYBE when he realizes that…no I doubt it. It’s always about him. He knows playing the victim gives him recognition! WE have to ignore him, & give him the cold shoulder. Have CNN bring in another “reporter” and allow that one to ask questions. How long can Acosta whine about this, when viewers get sick of it, like a parent loses patience with a whiny child. Cold shoulder is better than taking away his credentials to OUR HOUSE. Blocking access to a presser, will give Acosta yet another soapbox to stand on. Do we really want that? I doubt it.

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What is Acosta supposed to be taking in your he “can give it, but can’t take it” comment?

As you pointed out “it is a White House presser”.

How was he “playing the victim” and Sarah Sanders not?

Acosta was asking a legitimate question, he was not asking it of or for just himself, but, if you were paying attention, for everyone in the media.

Since you seem to have missed it, Jim was pressing Sarah Sanders with a serious question in a White House presser.

His question was legitimate and timely and pertinent. It was about the president, and Sarah, by proxy, characterizing media i.e. every reporter in that room and beyond as “the enemy of the people”?

She blew it. By her dodging and deflecting on the question. Not stating then and there a retraction of that gross and false characterization of media as the enemy of the people spoke volumes.

Then she was the one who went full bore into victim mode, whining to Jim about things that happened to her that were nothing he had any control over. But I guess you missed his apology to her fir that.

I am truly sorry you and others like you and Sarah and our thin skinned president don’t seem to understand a Free Press and how it is usually at it’s best when it is aggressive. That is how we find out things. Especially how we find out things that people, and yes, politicians, don’t want us to find out.

The answer is that the MSM is an enemy of the people. They hate Trump and his conservative voter base. They never report on anything positive President Trump has accomplished, and on, and on. If Sarah said this it would only fuel their hatred.

The MSM, besides FOX, is biased and unfair, therefore an enemy of this country’s core values, therefore an enemy of the people with these core values. Values of our constitution, which is based on the word of God.

Yes, the MSM hates these things, and so do most who defend them.

These people are so ridiculous it’s not funny. Jim Acosta is upset because he was called out for being a jerk. OMG, all he thinks about is that people don’t like him. Why would they. He’s arrogant, and always tries to make the story about him. So he got his wish the story is about him and his slanted view of the news that he’s suppose to report. Too bad.