Well you are 0-1 in predictions of candidates running so far in the upcoming cycle. Might as well go for broke.
Hilarious coming from the party that elected the Celebrity Apprentice.
Refresh my memory- how did you libs do predicting the 2016 election?
Does the phrase “get used to saying Madam President” ring a bell?
2016 election “Get used to saying Madam President”
That sounded like an obsession to me.
BillBrown:I listened and disagreed.
That will happen when one is obsessed about something
Is that necessary?
Refresh my memory- how did you libs do predicting the 2016 election?
Does the phrase “get used to saying Madam President” ring a bell?
I’m not a lib, and I can’t speak for anyone else. Me personally I made no prediction about the 2016 election. I did however say the Dems would take over the house last year and as it turns out, I was correct.
2016 election “Get used to saying Madam President”
That sounded like an obsession to me.
I never said that once
BillBrown:Refresh my memory- how did you libs do predicting the 2016 election?
Does the phrase “get used to saying Madam President” ring a bell?I’m not a lib, and I can’t speak for anyone else. Me personally I made no prediction about the 2016 election. I did however say the Dems would take over the house last year and as it turns out, I was correct
None of you are libs. You’re all ‘moderates’.
BillBrown:2016 election “Get used to saying Madam President”
That sounded like an obsession to me.I never said that once
Sure you didn’t. You won’t find anyone on here who did, yet it was posted at least 20 times a day.
None of you are libs. You’re all ‘moderates’.
Not all of us, there are quite a few people on here who have emphatically said they are liberals, I’m sure you can find them if you want.
I’m definitely a liberal and I say that despite the multi-decadal effort of conservative media to make that a pejorative.
Sure you didn’t.
You’re going to need to try harder than that. I have never been a Hillary fan and said from the very beginning of the race that she wouldn’t be able to win.
I’m definitely a liberal and I say that despite the multi-decadal effort of conservative media to make that a pejorative.
You dirty LIB!!!
None of you are libs. You’re all ‘moderates’.
I consider myself a hardcore lib even though I’m more fiscally conservative than most self described conservatives. (*my social stances are what IMO define me)
I consider a hardcore lib even though I’m more fiscally conservative than most self described conservatives. (*my social stances are what IMO define me)
Round these parts if you don’t march lockstep with the president and be an echo chamber of the CEC you are considered a “lib”
The irony goes right over some people’s heads.
Round these parts if you don’t march lockstep with the president and be an echo chamber of the CEC you are considered a “lib”
Indeed. Critical of Donald? You may as well be waving a little red cookbook over your head.
BillBrown:None of you are libs. You’re all ‘moderates’.
I consider myself a hardcore lib even though I’m more fiscally conservative than most self described conservatives. (*my social stances are what IMO define me)
I’ve read your posts and for the most part you’re sensible.