CNN+ just went belly up

Just like in the year 2020, this whole month is Four Twenty Too.

Just sayin…

Well CNN is part of the Warner family now and will have access to the HBO Max subscribers.

So we shall see.

CNN has been a part of Warner since 1996.

I don’t think it will help.

Their recent expansions might help.

But I agree the content they were teasing for CNN+ was highly unappealing. I would never pay for it.

New management likely pulled the plug on CNN+.

They need to rebuild their brand before trying to expand it.

According to my google search FoxNation has anywhere from 200 to 300 thousand subscribers, I know that’s a wide range but they’ve been around a couple years and seem to be going strong. I don’t subscribe myself but my very good friend does so whenever they have something I want to see I just go to her house.

As far as Netflix is concerned their pricing has a lot to do with their loss. My basic plan went from $5 to $9.00, I’m holding on for the final season of The Crown before I consider cancelling.

Next they’ll try CNN-minus.

That one will pay you to watch.


Or government will mandate you watch. In the name of national security of course.

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And yet there were still 10,000 idiots who actually subscribed to it.

Yes, perhaps they can rebrand CNN as a comedy channel.

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Most people aren’t that hard up for money. :wink:

Reminds me of George Costanza on Seinfeld. :grin:

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Makes you wonder what Chris Wallace was thinking. It is almost like he thought people watched his program on FOX to see him, instead of watching for the content of his show.

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They fell for their own propaganda. How nice.

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Yes, poor Chris Wallace. At the age of 74, perhaps he can retire and enjoy his millions.

Most of the staff at CNN is not so fortunate, but it is hard to feel too much sympathy for those who worked an organization that tirelessly fought to get the unwoke and the unvaccinated fired and locked up.

I wonder just how much of his contract was guaranteed. I think the folks at Discovery ( the obvious new masters in the merger) just might fall a little closer to the bottom line end of the Woke vs Bottom Line scale

They need to take a business class.

Hey, what can we do to increase our revenue? No one wants our product even though it’s free…

Genius CNN VP: I know, let’s CHARGE them for the stuff they won’t watch for free…

Hey idiots… maybe next time, try creating a product people WANT.

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The new owners (Discovery) planned to merge all three services into one HBO Max. This was something the trade papers noted was planned. CNN+ had been added late into AT&T’s control of CNN, and after the Discovery takeover, Discovery had planned to merge all OTT services into HBO Max. No loss since CNN+ will now be part of HBO Max, and HBO plans to make their money on their HBO premium pay series and Discovery reality shows.

Get ready for illegal street racing on CNN Center with Oklahoma City folks doing it.

From WBD Chief Financial Officer Gunnar Wiedenfels in March:

One of the most important items here is that we believe in a combined product as opposed to a bundle… We believe that the breadth and depth of this content offering is going to be a phenomenal consumer value proposition. The question is, in order to get to that point and do it in a way that’s actually a great user experience for our subscribers, that’s going to take some time. Again, that’s nothing that’s going to happen in weeks — hopefully not in years, but in several months — and we will start working on an interim solution in the meantime. So right out of the gate, we’re working on getting the bundling approach ready, maybe a single sign-on, maybe ingesting content into the other product, etc., so that we can start to get some benefits early on. But the main thrust is going to be harmonizing the technology platform. Building one very, very strong combined direct-to-consumer product and platform, that’s going to take a while.”

You can bet he is rethinking his decision. Must be why he’s having a tizzy and screaming and yelling around the office.

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