CNN is so Stupid


Well, it is?

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Your next line is going to be “that WAS me having a civil discussion.” I typed it for you so all you have to do is highlight and quote it.

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I never took you for someone that belongs to any “side”… guess I was wrong

Man, I wish there was one there when I was in Afghanistan.

I’ve watched the link twice now…and failing to comprehend why you find the comment so hilarious/outrageous. Now, you did say this -

  • which suggests you think her intent was to play up the scary nature of blackplasticscraygunthing for the hoplophobes in the audience. Is it also possible that her intention was to underscore danger of the area the general was in, such that he felt the need to be armed in a manner similar to his soldiers there? That lugging the rifle about wasn’t just for the sake of a photo op, but to be put to use in the event the general found himself attacked by the Taliban?

Just spitballing here.

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You really don’t get it?

Will you be so kind as to explain it to me? Especially within the context of my other response to you?

I can’t. I don’t know how. Can you really not see how stupid that phrase is?

So it’s stupid because it’s stupid because you said so? Is that it?

Look at it from the perspective of a non-military audience. Is it so hard to conceive that her mentioning the weapon was fully loaded was intended to underscore the danger inherent in the region the general was visiting? To underscore that the Taliban/religious extremists are still a threat? That the general was not engaging in a silly photo-op of machismo? All of that might seem obvious to you, but is it conceivable it might not be so to someone else?

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That is correct. Because I said so.

You give them too much credit. They obviously believe there is another way to carry one.




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CNN reporters should never be allowed to comment on guns again. Especially the females.

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You could have just said that from the beginning and saved us all a lot of trouble.

I did. It’s the thread title.

Has one what?

The thread’s title is not “CNN is so stupid for no reason that I can actually explain.” That should have been the title of the thread.

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I did explain in the first post.

Did I do something to you?

Freudian quote. :rofl: