CNN has decided not to cover Graham's opening testimony

Wow! The testimony is happening right now and they are ignoring it. Choosing to focus on the same impeachment crap that they have already rehashed 1000 times. That my friends is why CNN is a hot mess.


Lindsey Graham is busy fanning himself from the vapors.



Thos interested can watch the live video feed on CNN right now at the above link.

Senator Graham is in the process of giving his opening remarks.


Ummm… perhaps you get a different CNN than I do, because I just turned CNN on, and they’re definitely showing Horowitz’s testimony…


This is especially odd since Mcabe and Comey are claiming this bolsters their acts while in service.

They must be frightened of the truth.


What groundbreaking things are happening with the Horowitz testimony?

Comey gets to show off his collection of “Employee of the Month” plaques?


Graham just brought up Page and Strzok… reading the emails and texts… not the Horowitz Report saying that they were not the central characters in starting Crossfire Hurricane.

He also said that if they were in the military and had said anything like that about a commander in chief… forgetting that Trump was not President yet… so … the point?

We’ll never know because it’s being suppressed by the media!

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I don’t think that Graham read the Horowitz report.


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You need to look at news sources that are not DNC approved and your question will be answered. Good luck. :+1:

Now Graham is saying that the “foundation” of the Carter Page FISA Warrant is the Steele Dossier.

He hasn’t read any of this stuff.

FBI corruption is being laid out. It’s on Fox. Watch it and see. What ground breaking things are happening with impeachment?

Yeah? Who is being locked up? :rofl:

Yeah? Who is getting kicked out of office? :rofl:

Check mate.

Funny cuz it’s true? Do you use any non DNC news sources?

So you’re saying there’s massive FBI corruption and no one is being locked up? LOL

Yeah, alright buddy.


That’s hilarious.

Nope. I’m not saying anything. We’ll know after the DOJ investigation is complete. I’m hoping they at least have the decency to attach names to the crimes. We’ll have to wait. I’m not making predictions.