Two years, that’s right folks, two years and not one single thing has been done about “The Great American Coup”. So were we and are we all just a bunch of fools, once again? Were the headlines used to help build websites and generate cyber traffic at our expense? Probably. Will We The People ever see “Equal Justice” in this “Free” country of ours, or will all those involved in crimes against America go on to enjoy their Taxpayer funded retirements? I wouldn’t want to bet against it!
Lock them up!
What coup?
Many are wondering the same thing for sure. But realize only those that have been paying attention for years not months, actually have a clue what has taken place and why ? It took decades for the deep state to form to its current level of corruption, So it cannot be corrected in 2 years. The truth is it has taken that much time just to get it exposed, because Americans have been very slow to grasp most of it. Most live in a bubble of ignorance, so be patient and persistent and contact Trump and tell him to release the docs ASAP !
The best thing to do is simply try to help others see the truth of many matters ! And it is not only the left that are not thinking ? The DOCS are critical right now !
Agree 100%. It took a long time to get here and it will take a long time to repair the damage.
It’s never going to be repaired. They basically admitted wrong doing but no crimes were committed…at least that’s what they want you to believe. Meanwhile they will lay low until next friendly administration comes into power and then they just pick up where they left off.
It ain’t over till the fat lady dances ! It has taken decades and a guy named Obama to get all these agencies as corrupted as they are today. So far we have seen a tremendous amount of info exposed and that is the only way it is possible to correct any of it. The real problem you do not grasp is that the American people are still very slow to grasp what has taken place and why ? It is sinking in and there will be prosecutions. Calm down and focus on reality not your emotions like the left does ! Of course we re all frustrated and sometimes angry about most of it. But consider the two main reasons we know any of the crimes at all. One is Assange/Snowden courageous efforts, the other is the fact that Trump was elected. Had Hillary been elected all of it would have been covered up. Realize we are in a war not an argument or contest ! Wars take a while and in this one the swamp is deep and well entrenched. What are you doing to fight them ? I have plan and it is actually working !
This thread is full of Real American Posters.
God I do so love the entertainment this place affords me!
We live in a two tier Justice system. Where if you’re a Republican(example Justice Kavanaugh), then you’re automatically guilty without due process under the law(which basically means you don’t have any rights, and no right to a trial, or to try and show if you’re innocent or not).
Or, if you’re a Democrat Politician, you’re automatically innocent and get away free.
Of course their voters may not want to follow in their moral footsteps, because only the Democratic Politicians get away with whatever they want. The Law applies to the rest of you.
If Kavanaugh is guilty why is he on the Supreme Court? You mean guilty in the public opinion, the kind that would make people scream lock her up and have mock trials at a political convention.
I never said that Kavanaugh was guilty. I said that we live in a two tier justice system,
where Republicans are automatically presumed guilty, because that’s how far politically
correct the Democratic Party has pushed the boundaries of morality.
And Democratic Politicians are automatically innocent even after they have a room full
of people shred documents for days on end, and bleach bit their hard drives(Hillary).
Are you implying that conservatives don’t automatically assume Democratic politicians aren’t guilty?
10 Char
You seem confused. Why don’t you take a few minutes to compose your thoughts.
What does confused mean?
Who said that!?
Then why was Kavanaugh put through such a hard trial, and the Democrats tried bashing his name, and Hillary is off free?
Or Obama putting Comey in the FBI at the top? How sick and corrupt is that?
Not a trial.
Luckily for Hillary she never had to suffer through what Kavanaugh did, no one ever attacked her character so viciously.