Civil war question

And there are reasons they are where they are.

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Indians were slavers.

“official government document that states that.”

Not something some closed down website says,

No we owned slaves. Many of them were white.

Then no reparations.

When do we give the Indians back there land?

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How about now?

There were black slave owners too. So what?

Make a case for that to the government then.

Why would slavers be due reparations for slavery?

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No one is due reparations, but if Libs want to give reparations to one group for the injustice they suffered hundreds of years ago they should be consistent and give reparations to all who suffered injustice hundreds of years ago. I just want to make sure I get my share…

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Likely not much beyond 1885.

Once mechanization came to farming slavery was no longer going to be practical or profitable.


Quoted 9 yards of posts. For this. Again.

They have guns and had guns in that zones from the beginning, even the daily beast came out and did an article on it, the press have been lying from the beginning saying they are no guns there.

Even the far left Mayors office admitted as much as they were also breaking the law in a no gun zone but that the enforcement of the no carry zone wasn’t mandatory and up to the police who unfortunately have left.

"There have been individuals with weapons—open carrying is legal in Washington State. While the CHAZ is within the area of the City currently under a weapons ban, the Emergency Order establishing the weapons ban does not mandate enforcement. It gives officers the option to take certain actions (i.e., confiscate weapons) if they deem it necessary” - a spokesmen for the Mayor.

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I think we can all agree there shouldn’t be anymore whining from the Hoplophobe Vapors Club about guns at protests or autonomous zones.


Sorry but things change, not all situations are the same.

Sorry but hypocrisy.


And things STILL change, not all situations are the same.

Slavery was constitutional, though the need for slavery would have likely ended with the advancement of farming technology, but Black would likely never be full citizens due to the culture.