CIVICS LESSON: Rep. Doug Collins SCHOOLS Judiciary Committee for Avoiding Duties to Harass Trump

Originally published at: CIVICS LESSON: Rep. Doug Collins SCHOOLS Judiciary Committee for Avoiding Duties to Harass Trump | Sean Hannity

Rep. Doug Collins issued a harsh civics lesson to his Democratic colleagues Friday; slamming the House Judiciary Committee for avoiding their legislative duties to harass the President of the United States.

Instead of solving America’s problems or appreciating its successes, we’re spending today reciting obvious legal processes and avoiding our duty to legislate.

— Rep. Doug Collins (@RepDougCollins) July 12, 2019

“We can stop this hearing right now… We’re just dragging this on. It’s not that you want to come to impeachment. If that’s what you want to do, we don’t need to discuss it. It’s a Constitutional right… Instead we come here today to have another ‘almost’ impeachment hearing,” said Rep. Collins.

“What are we not doing? Instead of this morning, when the Chairman and I have a bill on the floor that actually addresses the 9/11 fund; yesterday we spent this entire time arguing about subpoenas,” he added.

“Let’s start solving real issues instead of having theoretical college discussions on what Congress’s power is… It’s ridiculous,” said Collins.

House Judiciary Chair Jerrold Nadler unveiled his plan this week to issue dozens of subpoenas to those involved in Robert Mueller’s “No Collusion” final report; demanding Jeff Sessions, Michael Flynn, and Jared Kushner testify before Congress.

“House Judiciary Committee Democrats announced Tuesday that they plan to authorize subpoenas later this week for a dozen individuals connected to President Trump as part of the panel’s escalating probe into obstruction of justice, public corruption and other alleged abuses by the president,” reports Fox News.

“The individuals subject to fresh subpoena are: Sessions; Rosenstein; Kushner; former White House National Security Adviser Michael Flynn; former White House Deputy Chief of Staff Rick Dearborn; former White House Chief of Staff John Kelly; former Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski; former White House aide Rob Porter; publisher of the National Enquirer David Pecker and chief content officer Dylan Howard; former Stormy Daniels lawyer Keith Davidson; and assistant attorney general for the criminal division Joseph Hunt,” adds Fox.

Republican Rep. Doug Collins slammed Nadler’s request, calling the move an attempt to “relitigate” the Mueller report.

“Today’s latest effort to relitigate the special counsel’s investigation remains unimpressive and unproductive. Mr. Mueller’s team issued more than 2,800 subpoenas before concluding that no Americans conspired with Russia. Even if Chairman Nadler still believes subpoenas are conversation starters, it’s hard to imagine this handful of subpoenas will do anything but reinforce the principal conclusions we’ve been able to read about for months,” Collins said in a statement.