Citing Power Shortage, California Asks Drivers to Stop Charging Electric Cars

Lest not forget republicans are why things are why they are economically in Texas. Texas will become California if Beto wins.

The policy has been in place for over 20 years. In the last 20 years there have been a total of 77 flex days called, so an average of 4 days a year. Looks like the heat wave we’re going thorough now is going to last for another week or so, so we will surely have some more.

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Good Lord.

Current flows through the conductor, not outside of it.

That is about as dumb of reasoning as it can get.

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what did i state that wasnt true.

you are one of the texas adherents, i stated that there are some.

people choose were they live in america.

more choose california than texas.


Well you made an assertion. And no, the current is actually carried by an electromagnetic field outside the wire. Now from a source as opposed to mere assertion

However, electrical energy does not travel though the wire as sound travels through air but instead always travels in the space outside of the wires. This is because electric energy is composed of electric and magnetic fields which are created by the moving electrons, but which exist in the space surrounding the wires.

Your using an explanation of skin effect to infer current flows outside a conductor?

Edit to add: I went back to the source of your source, which turns out to be (in short) an explanation of E and magnetic fields. Now I get where the confusion lies.

That is about as stupid and simplistic as it gets. Only a lib would think anyone can just pick and leave a state when ever they want.:roll_eyes:. Not everyone gets a choice. If that was true then the bulk of illegals would be flocking to CA not TX.

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This is the type of short sited mean policy that has caused europe to be under the thumb of Putin. That’s how stupid the left’s leadership is… There’s nothing green about EV’s. They are a decadent waste of energy.

Prices are high in the EU because nuclear failed and fossil fuel markets are showing their vulnerabilities. Alternative energy is a bulwark for Europe right now.

You’re making the assumption nothing will be found to halt the process during the EIS. We all know there is always some snail, worm or bug that needs saving. They will be lucky to get the approvals necessary. :wink:

I agree, lawsuits from some environmental groups are all but assured.

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It’s SOP with that lot.

There’s a lot of foolish people in Cal then because it is 49th in affordability.

And a general ■■■■ hole to boot.

america gives EVERYONE the choice to live where they want.

nobody is forced by law to reside in a state.

it is my choice to live in Jersey, just like it is my one brothers choice to live in california and my other brother in Texas.


Nobody wants to live in Tennessee. Sorry.

So some 10 year old can choose to live where ever they want? Your being to simplistic. No one said the state was not allowing a move but that their own situation won’t allow them to move.

i am talking adults.

not kids.

obviously they have to live where they guardians want them to.

after 18.

katy bar the door


So you were wrong and being overly simplistic. What about parents or guardian that has someone that can’t move due to disability or some other reasons.