Church Arsons/Burnings in France

The “Cultural enrichment” of France…a map if Church burnings in four years, this is self explanatory:

The UK, Sweden, and a few others are in a death spiral, freedoms are going away, putting people in PRISON for FB posts, or free speech…

This is where the insane left is taking the entire west.

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If they are all arson… why are there different symbols on the map?

I didn’t say all are arsons, Arson/Burnings…

I’m sure it’s all just coincidence…


One of the symbols looks like a hand reaching for something.

I have a feeling that you have been misled about what this map represents.

Where did the map come from, who made it and when, what do the symbols stand for, what criteria were they using?

Why do i see a symbol of a face and another of a gun?

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Have we confirmed every case is arson?

A lot of churches are old. And the wiring back in the day was questionable and causes fires all the time.

Especially in a place like France, where they barely know a ground from their ass.

Christianity is dead in France and much of Western Europe. Just empty buildings. There is a new religion in town popping out 5-6 children each generation, should be good times ahead :fire: :mosque:


It’s still alive in rural areas but it’s completely dead in urban areas. It’s sort of like that in the states as well. In rural America and the Bible Belt it’s still strong. But it’s dramatically weakened in urban areas.

People are just way more secular now than we used to be. I also think deism is growing in popularity. I myself am a deist and when other young people describe their religious views to me it sounds a lot like deism. Accepting there is a God who created the building blocks of the universe but not being religious about it.

Tons of Christian churches in my urban area… but they are Pentecostal storefront churches.

Nothing to see here…move along…it’s all good…get back in your l’il world.

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This map comes from the christianophobie website dedicated to tracking acts of “Christianophobia” in France and the rest of the world. While this image is often shared as if it shows all of the churches that were “destroyed” in France, this map actually documents a wide range of nefarious activity, such as vandalism, theft, and arson, that occurred at both churches and cemeteries over an apparent span of two years (not four), covering 2017 and 2018.

It should also be noted that while this map does document some relatively serious crimes, such as arson or the toppling of church statues, many of these pins correspond to graffiti-related incidents. We also found one pin related to a person’s simply interrupting a church service.

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Pentecostals be some wild folks.

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We don’t look for details here. Outrage is the only applicable emotion.


Yea. Because there is no source for this fear mongering.

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Oops! My bad.

It’s like those crowds on South Park.

“Rawr rawr, rabble rabble!”

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They bernt er cherchezzzzz


Took er faith!!