Christopher steele's "Primary Subsource" Was a russian Boozehound who Worked With "Star Impeachment Witness"

i’ll give you credit

apart from you the thread has been completely avoided by the “pro-dossier” folks just like the media

this was a breathless thousand post topic for four years

now it’s all utterly ■■■■■■■■■

how about that

anyway, it was obvious all along to any thinkingmxn

There are many things in the dossier that are outright fabrications.

I abandoned the dossier as being legit years ago except to make an obvious pee tape joke here and there.

Hilarious, his discretion? Sorry, not in his job description.

It actually is.

…to be corrupt!

They have prosecutorial discretion.

That is usually predicated on being able to obtain and sustain a conviction on appeal.

Which makes the Sussman indictment so baffling.

Durham can’t even provide what the lie was that he is charging Sussman with.

Umm no, it was Lynch’s call, not his, Were you not paying attention at the time, it was explained everywhere.

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And Lynch agreed with Comey.

It is their discretion.

Hell… Comey didn’t even need to address the whole thing since he found nothing to charge… but he did and the right got the biggest grievance gift ever.

No…she colluded with Comey, which is why she didn’t recuse herself and the outcome was preplanned on a tarmac with Bill Clinton, making it corrupt.

Again, it was her call, not his, she farmed it out to him because she couldn’t do it without looking totally corrupt after her meeting on the tarmac with Bill. It’s cute that you think we all forgot the basic facts though.

I am sure that you believe that to be true.

As we all know… all of the most corrupt things happen because someone out of power meets on a tarmac.

They spoke about “golf scores and grandchildren” and “I am sure that you believe that to be true.”

You guys went all crazy over that one… but when President Trump publicly got Bill Barr to intervene in the Roger Stone case… crickets.

So what we have is a meeting where we don’t know what happened… so any old thing can be made up and a President actively and publicly working against the prosecution of a political ally.

I actually don’t think that there is outrage… just performance.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhh…so now it’s time to justify corruption. Sorry…I’m against it on all sides.

How can what is not known be justified? No one knows what happened on the tarmac… people want to make the story because it fits in with what they want to believe… but there is zero proof. Only conjecture.

I know that people will believe what they want to believe… but the constant pointing to that instance where they don’t actually know what went down and ignoring what played out in the public with Stone is just bonkers.

They said what they said as their reasoning and if you want to swallow that, so be it. It was absolutely a ridiculous comment that in no way justified their illicit meeting, three days prior to her having to make a decision whether or not to indict Hillary.

I couldn’t have said this any better. Thanks.

Which you have no idea what was said. You can make up things… but there is no proof.

Yeah…I’d purposefully and silently meet with the prior Prez, 3 days before I have to decide whether or not to indict his wife running for POTUS, for the sole purpose of discussing grand kids and golf scores. That’s called “sheoplization” and I truly believe you’re better than that.

What you are doing is no better than people relying on the Steele dossier to say that the pee tapes are real.

You don’t know what happened there.

You just don’t.