Christopher Steele and Joseph Mifsud are British subjects who committed an act of war against the USA

The attempt to entrap the son of a sitting president by British subjects cannot be ignored. The russian expat source that Steele used to fabricate the dossier also sat in on the Trump tower meeting. Who paid him to travel and attend? Steele or the FBI. Where is the tape from the Trump tower meeting? Where is the paper trail on who paid the honeypot and her entourage.

…drip, drip, drip…

He wasn’t at the meeting.

Wait… the narrative is now that there was crime but it was a set up?

Man… anything to keep from admitting that you supported a bunch of criminals.


Facts are in the eye of the beholder. Some people are saying he wasn’t at the meeting, and some people are saying he was. We’ll just have to leave it at that.

dont kid yourself There is a tape of the TRUMP tower meeting He didnt bite

Oh, so there is a tape now? And you know this how?

You also don’t understand the law.

Steele sent his dossier source into a meeting with the presidents son and you think he wouldnt be taping? Jr didnt bite and say something stupid and he brought other witnesses. Just like the entrapment they ran on Popodopolous . Kinda of like , an insurance plan in case Trump won

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Where is your proof he was at the meeting?

You do know that Papadopoulos plead guilty, no?


The source for the dossier also attended the attempt to entrap Don jr. To pretend they didnt record is laughable

This is from the article buried at the bottom

Browder filed a formal complaint to the Department of Justice in July 2016, accusing Akhmetshin of failing to register under the Foreign Agents Registration Act while lobbying for Russian interests. Akhmetshin was also reportedly working with Fusion GPS, the company that created the infamous dossier alleging a Trump-Russia conspiracy.

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You do realize that article says that Don Jr. asked Russian intelligence for dirt on the Clinton Campaign.

That is what we normally call “Really Bad”

I guess you havent heard He wants to revoke his guilty plea and start discovery

I thought you were saying Mifsud was at the meeting, now I see you are referring to Akhmetshin.

Still doesn’t make Christoper Steel or Mifsud guilty of anything,

I don’t think you should be hoping there is a tape of the meeting.

If he had done that , the tape would have come out. Rinat is exposed as a fusion gps operative in the article.

Yes, I heard about that. Won’t happen.

If you say so.

No , thats newsweek saying so.

Browder filed a formal complaint to the Department of Justice in July 2016, accusing Akhmetshin of failing to register under the Foreign Agents Registration Act while lobbying for Russian interests. Akhmetshin was also reportedly working with Fusion GPS, the company that created the infamous dossier alleging a Trump-Russia conspiracy.