China-s.korea defense agreement signed

More potatoes.

Good! If they sign a defense agreement, they are less likely to attack each other.

Taiwan should be frightened, though.

Well see that is one area where I think Obama ■■■■■■ up. I would have still pressured Russia with the oil/gas buildup as we did to bring oil prices down and I would have stuck them with Syria from the get go so they could have become embroiled instead of us.

Problem in doing it now is we suffered all the consequences…not them.

So what do you guys think? Will this cause China to rethink their buddy buddy relationship in North Korea over there?

It just puts pressure on NK to de-nuke.

China didn’t want America to deploy our THAAD system.

So south was playing both sides.


China treats vassal states that were once free really well!

Just look at Hong Kong!

They arent gonna de nuke

Yeah…yeah…and this agreement is proof…he’s “weaking” our standings…amirite? :sunglasses:

In the future, we’ll all be bilingual space cowboys and everything will be Shiny.

Don’t drag something pure into the muck of politics.


Don’t be mad just because their prediction is coming true with a Trump on the side. :stuck_out_tongue:

I actually just made my gf watch all the episodes and the movie with me like last week and I forgot how good that ■■■■ really is.


You’re a good man for that, too. It’s not right that there’s still people out there who’ve not had the privilege of seeing it.

Surely the defense agreement doesn’t include givng the Korean peninsula to China. Why would South Korea agree to such a thing? Got a link?

What actually struck me is that the movie is really a genuinely amazing wrap up for the show. That was Peak Whedon right there. It’s maybe the only movie I’ve ever seen that really convinced me all the main characters could die at any moment.


And every time I’m done watching it i so angry that fox scuttled it.

You know why the Serenity was so shiny? They gave it a Wash. lol

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How exactly is asking them to pay part of the bill for their own defense an insult?

Bad, bad, bad. Shame on you!

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