Childless Cat Ladies! Here we go!(?)

Well, another day and another outrage, it seems. It seems JD Vance was on Tucker Carlson a few years back and made some rather pointed comments about the presumed Democratic Nominee for President, Kamala Harris.

The US is being run by “a bunch of childless cat ladies” who “want to make the rest of the country miserable too”, according to Republican Senate candidate JD Vance. Speaking to Fox News’ Tucker Carlson, the author took aim at Kamala Harris, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Pete Buttigieg and said: “Maybe, if we want a healthy ruling class in this country … we should support more people who actually have kids.”

Okay! That is a different way of looking at things. For one, the 1st President of the US, Washington, raised Martha’s kids as his own but never fathered a child. And I would say it is reasonable to assume most people look upon someone who raises a step child with love and care to be doing a good thing. Not every person can have kids as well, are infertile people less of a citizen, do they make other people miserable by just being themselves?

He said people without children, or step parents for that matter, have no stake in our country’s future. This, despite Vance himself being raised by a step father and his maternal grandparents. His last name was not initially Vance by the way, he took his grandparent’s last name.

This doesn’t seem to be a very smart thing to say, and it certainly will not endear himself to millions of Americans who haven’t or cannot have children, or to those who happily raise children either through marriage or adoption. Apparently, they have no stake in our country and make everyone miserable.

Not a great pick by Trump, and I am not even going into his sexual encounters with furniture, which puzzles me.




They got the hand size right!


Thanks for the bump


The childless cat ladies comment was an attempt by Vance to tap into the current vogue for insults and nick names.

The guy sure says some stupid things and is not very funny to boot. The mountain dew crack was cringey and embarrassing to see the tepid response. Reminded me a bit of David Brent from The Office :grinning:


I agree with this. :man_shrugging:


Here’s the thing, to me, the fact that she dates this divorced guy with two kids and winds up marrying him is one thing. But she did it the right way, she really embraced these kids who were pretty grown up and made a great relationship with them. She also befriended the Mother of the kids, they get along swimmingly. It is a good thing, not a bad thing, to love children other than your own.

I don’t see how attacking step parents helps in the slightest. Nor adoptive parents. What gives?


So, George Washington didn’t have a stake in this country?

He’s evolved.

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You buy all that?


andrew jackson either.

you think somehow his GOP handlers would come up with a better plan of attack.

guess they had to dumb it down for Vance.



Are we supposed to care? It’s an opinion.

Buy all what? Sorry? Buy that parents, whether biologic or otherwise, should be treated the same and respected? Yes, I do. I don’t think that is a controversial stance. And I don’t appreciate Vance intimating that adoptive or step parents make everyone around them miserable and have no stake in this country.

Do you buy that? I didn’t twist his words, I posted the video. That is what he said. 2 years ago.

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VP Harris was single during her child bearing years. Doug Emhoff is her first husband, and she married him when she was 47.

Let’s think now what you righties would call her is she had children out of wedlock.

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1/6th of all families are blended. It’s not a great stance to take.

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That she is besties with the ex for starters.

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You not countin’ Willie? Montel?


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What’s he have against cats?


Marriage:the legally or formally recognized union of two people as partners in a personal relationship

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