Child Saves Mother

There are irresponsible gun owners, and there are responsible ones who teach their children proper safety with these weapons. Valid concern, though.

Glad the kid was able to help his mom out. If you’re concerned about children gaining access to guns, teach them gun safety, expose them to shooting sports, and the desire to sneak and play with your guns will not manifest itself.

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Yes, I know. And I hope I’m not giving the impression to anyone in the thread that I am completely against guns.

I know that if a gun is to be of any use at all, the adult had to have some ready access to it. Locking it in a safe, as some people suggest, wouldn’t do any good in an emergency. I’ll leave it to the responsible gun owners to decide how they keep their children and themselves safe.

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I didn’t think you were.

I think I’ve been pretty open on my viewpoint here.

A bad dude is stopped by a woman with a firearm. Good.

5 yo has access to loaded gun (story is not detailed enough to believe otherwise), and has three child siblings. Statistically, any incident involving the 5 yo and the loaded gun ends up in a wounded or dead sibling.

Proper safety instruction for a 5 year old does not involve unsupervised touching of the weapon inside the house.


No, not statistically. There are far more incidents stopped before the trigger is pulled than dead siblings. You just don’t hear about them.



Well, that’s not true either. The story is not detailed enough to believe otherwise of any scenario. Your assumption is indicative of bias.

Just correcting what I said.

50 years of observation, 40 years of instruction and common sense.

To whom and why would anyone report a child who touched a gun but there was no negative result? Or the trigger was pulled and no one was injured?

Under reporting is not a phenomena, it’s a fact.

That wasn’t obvious.

I guess you didn’t read everything

Exactly. The NRA encourages parents to start educating them on gun safety as soon as they start showing any interest at all.

Kids are smart and have endless time on their hands and if they are determined they are going to get access one way or another.

By teaching them from an early age about gun safety you eliminate the mystique and give them the information needed to understand the consequences of doing something bad or irresponsible with a firearm.

And again there you go making up your own statistics and declaring them as fact.

No stat’s exist showing how many young kids have access to firearms period.

They say that the best way to get your bedside gun safe open if you forget the combination is to ask your 10-yr old kid to open it for you. :wink:

That or to program the VCR.

What’s a VCR? :thinking:

Think hard, it’ll come back to you!

Very conservative Republican?
