Child Abuse? By Portland Protesters as Parents Take Their Children to Protest

According to Andy Ngo there are videos from Portland showing parents bringing their children to Portland as young as toddlers being forced to carry protest signs like “F The Police” “BLM”

In July there is a video of these possible same parents doing the same thing near the court house.

I am honestly sadden by this it shows how desperate they are trying to inject their politically point of view while using children.

It also shows that these kids dont seem that they want to be there.

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This is a strange argument.

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I don’t think people should be taking kids to these protests.

If I had a kid I certainly wouldn’t put them in a position where they could be hit by a rubber bullet or a baton if the crowd gets out of control and and the riot police have to be called.


Worship of Moloch and child sacrifice is not new.

These people live by a book, Rules for Radicals, dedicated to Lucifer. (Oh my… i forgot… the explicit over the shoulder acknowledgment to Alinsky’s mentor is not a dedication. So Snopes has declared.) That they sacrifice their children is not surprising.

All this does is prove, the problem they are protesting…is an internal one. Look in the mirror for the answer.

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I think that dragging your child into your own protests would be indeed, abuse, but overtly. It’s really more manipulation- then again, my dad would talk to me about politics from a very early age and that’s how I got involved. I also listened to Neil Boortz, Sean Hannity, and Rush Limbaugh in the car with him as we were running errands. I did do a lot of research though, and refined my stance on things.

While I can see that the parents may not have someone to care for them while they go to a protest or something, they are putting their child in harm’s way, considering how the nature of these protests has turned out. That’s crappy parenting. That is where it is abuse.

I think it’s strange that someone would find it strange. :man_shrugging:

Then again, not so strange coming from a lib.

This is unprecedented! Taking children - to protests?! The state should rehome these poor kids.

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Violent protest? Don’t think so.