Chick-fil-A to stop donating to anti gay charities

Sure. I support them mostly because of the gay boycotts and the incredibile service.


I guess they’ll need another business plan now. :slightly_smiling_face:

And now everyone can enjoy their food and service. Win win!

When it comes to the gays, the self-proclaimed, dyed-in-the-wool free market capitalists will be having none of that.

Can still hate on Cracker Barrel.

Which ones? Are you including me? What about Sean?

Remember when hundreds of uploaded videos of people smashing their Keurig machines because of Roy Moore appeared online? Remember how gleefully some people supported that?

Pepperidge Farm remembers, and still loves the free market!

You don’t seem to be complaining about Chick-Fil-A being treated unfairly, so no, not you. And Sean who?

You’re still boycotting Target, right? I know I am.

I still shop at Target but I use Walmart’s bathrooms when I have to go.


Ok good. For a second I thought you were making an assumption based on an assigned group. As for the second part of your question. Cast your eyes to the upper left portion of your screen. Hope that helps.

Why would you bring him up? Did he post in this thread and I missed it? If not, how am I supposed to know his position on the matter?

No their business is good anytime. Great when they boycott.

If you say so. There was never a reason for a boycott.

You are not supposed to know his or anyone else’s. So why make assumptions about any conservative? Or group us all as anti gay?

I was doing nothing of the sort, though I can see how it read that way. My post had a very specific target. Hope that clears it up.

If you say so. Enough people disagreed with you that CFA changed their policies.

While I really dislike the Family Research Council and similar overtly anti-gay groups that were getting that sweet chicken cash ten years ago, I can’t hate on donations to the FCA or the Salvation Army. The donated funds from Chick Fil A were only to be directed to specific programs.

My local Chick Fil A franchise operator does a ton in the community as well - you can’t have a fundraiser here without free chicken being involved in some way.

That said, there are a ton of different groups who can do what FCA and the Army could do.

Not eating at a restaurant is corrupt and obnoxious?