Chicago-Area Leaders Call for Illinois to Abolish History Classes

They’re told that that you don’t have to listen to opposing viewpoints, that it’s acceptable to shout people down that don’t have views they’re indoctrinated views.

When going to school I was told that we each should analyze the information we receive to come to our own conclusion. Remember I didn’t finish 9th grade…missed to many days.

And these people aren’t learning this stuff with 12 years…and maybe college?

Oh good one…neither did I now that you mention is. Learn that years later.

Say what you will about the old ways, but we spent time discussing and learning a subject instead of worrying about how we felt about it or spending time dinking around with SJW crap.

Our teacher played devil’s advocate in many conversations. Made us question things.

We didn’t need a safe place when our feelings got questioned or we were told were were wrong and why.

I’m thinking history isn’t the problem, replacing teachers with people who care more about their SJW positions rather than teaching all sides and having healthy and sometime disagreeable discussions seems to be the issue.

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Henry Louis Gates Jr. wrote an article on it.

Yes, he of beer summit fame.

We like to teach history as white men doing all the discovering, inventing, exploring, winning, conquesting.

Not true. I had to write a paper on George Washington Carver for instance. That is just one tiny instance in the whole picture of my education that shows you are wrong.

Don’t put your educational failures onto everyone.

“We” who?

I learned all about the conquistadores as well.

[quote=“PurpnGold, post:11, topic:233758, full:true”]

In grade school… I didn’t learn that some of our founding fathers were slave owners. I never learned about the fugitive slave clause. Didn’t know the first slaves hit our shores in 1619. I did learn about the civil rights movement but did not learn about what lead to it.

I learned about MLK but didn’t learn how hated he was during his time. Also didn’t learn Malcolm X.

If I learned anything about black history in this country, it was in February and focused on black inventors… which is cool… but I should have also learned about how prominent black cowboys were. Or about how the march on Washington was essentially about wealth redistribution. Nothing about Claudette Colvin.

I could go on and on… but you get the point.
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I was ignorant on some things myself. It was my black African Civilization professor who taught me that it was black tribal leaders who sold their own people into slavery.

Yup the way our history is taught, it’s pretty sanitized. I don’t know how much is on purpose though. With so much to cover, only the major points tend to be covered, and the details get lost.

The way our history is taught does need to change though. At least in mine, and my sisters experience, a lot of it is just covering it all from a birds eye view. Memorizing dates of events, and the generic facts regarding it, some of the humanity is lost a bit.

So white men?

No, Spaniards, Portuguese.

Spaniard and Portuguese are generally white Europeans.

No. “White Hispanic” is a recent development, started with Zimmerman. They were never part of the white oppressor class who built the social construct of racism with the express purpose of profiting of subjugating a race of people for profit.

There were abuses to be sure, but in the name of salvation for The Church, which had the power.

They were actually members of the oppressed.

Italians weren’t considered “white” as recently as the 1970s.

Oh because it’s statically insignificant

Herein lies one of the many facets of Liberal hypocrisy. By and large the academic left are atheists and largely reject the notion of evil or sin on the one hand. But on the other hand obsess over the evils and sins of those who founded America and of those who were instrumental in its history. News flash, there’s a plethora of evil and sins throughout the entire world’s history and plenty of ■■■■ that goes on all over the world today by all people of all races.

What exactly should be taught about America’s history to young sensitive minds? Personally I’m not sure what should or should not be and exactly how. But if we are going to emphasize the evil’s of America’s past and make moral judgments, should we not then interject theology, philosophy and religion into that curriculum as well?


Significant enough for Gates to write on it.

If we’re going to teach history, shouldn’t we teach all of it? That’s what Ford said in an interview I saw.

How about the court case?

Whites are responsible for all the worlds’ ills?

Also involved parents can speak up anytime they wish. Oh wait parents are such an old fashioned notion. In progressive enlightened world kids don’t need no stinkin parents just the government telling them what they should and should not learn.

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Yes, of course. They created racism. Racism is the master’s tool.

So it wasn’t important piece of knowledge to know?