CHAOS NYC: Nurse, 60, Who Beat Coronavirus Attacked, Robbed by Group of 15 Teenagers Outside Hospital

Originally published at: CHAOS NYC: Nurse, 60, Who Beat Coronavirus Attacked, Robbed by Group of 15 Teenagers Outside Hospital   | Sean Hannity

A New York City health care worker who beat the Coronavirus was viciously attacked and robbed by more than a dozen teenagers outside her hospital this week, with the NYPD scrambling to locate her assailants.

“Martha Toscano had just gotten out of the 6 train station on her way to work at Bellevue Hospital around 10:30 p.m. Wednesday when about 15 thugs ran her down and pummeled her to the ground,” reports the New York Post.

“I thought they were going to kill me,” Toscano, 60, told the New York Post.

NYC nurse who beat coronavirus pummeled, robbed by group of thugs

— New York Post (@nypost) April 17, 2020

“They hit me on the head, on the face, I run and fell on the floor and they keep hitting me,” she added.

“Police on Thursday arrested three of the alleged assailants, including two girls, ages 14 and 15, and a 19-year-old man named Deshaun Harrison. All three suspects are residents of a nearby group home run by the city’s Administration for Children’s Services (ACS), sources said,” reports the NY Post.

Read the full report here.