Celebrate the Hair Style Champ

If I recall, we’ve also had trash bags forever.

Not sure of the point you’re trying to make there.

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Mine is Fabio circa 2007.

If you cant see the obvious then nothing more i say will help.

Every so often it’s fun to yap about something more trivial, like hairstyles.

I don’t think Jesus, as depicted in European paintings with long hair. much cared about man buns.

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Man buns have been around for a lot longer. Like BCE.

Sure. :wink:

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Man buns work for some people and look awful for other people. Just depends.

My best friend wears one and it makes sense on him. He’s 1/4 black, 3/4 white. 280 pounds. Has a Samoan look (he gets mistaken for Samoan or Hawaiian ALOT). For him it works.

By comparison, I couldn’t get one even if I wanted to. And if I could I’d look ridiculous.

I shave my head. Because that is what works for my head shape, general size, and height. Shaved Bald with a beard and I shave my mustache. It fits me. Been told I look like a light skinned Rick Ross. But not that chubby.

You would be surprised.


Not me. Close. My hair is a bit shorter and has some grey.

All about the hair.



It’s obvious that the cute little man bun looks like the top of a tied-up trash bag.


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Starting to see these guys on construction sites now. One of them was wearing sandals. On a damn construction site. I avoided him LOL, I don’t trust myself not to say something that could get me in trouble. And I have a ponytail all the way down my back, but you couldn’t get me into a ■■■■■■■ man bun with a gun to my head.

Wait I thought OSHA required steel toed boots for construction sites?

I find it funny when I look at those expressing their inner selves through their hair, over the top tattoos and body piercings. Why would you put a piercing through your nipple? Ok, ok, ok…I like being boring and hope boring…is the most exciting thing about me. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

In 45 years I’ve never once spoken to an OSHA dude. We are on small residential sites building houses and you don’t see them much there. I’ve done a lot of commercial and industrial construction too and never met one there either, though I know they’ve been around, especially after some major incidents that happened.

Pony tail down the back? Damn, dawg. Respect.

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I think what’s hair appropriate depends too on culture.

Somehow I don’t think anyone would see this man as feminine or progressive:


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Since 1975. :slight_smile:

Body piercings have long been part of many non western cultures. Its just in recent years it has become a thing in for want of a better term first world countries.

Does a piercing or a tattoo change who the person is? Sure if they have ■■■■ tattooed on their forehead they are going to get judged but they are the outliers not the norm.

No but IMO it’s a “look at me” type thingy that indicates a potential inner insecurity. The more flamboyant it is, the more I’d say the probability increases.

I am sure there is an element of that but hasnt that always been the way whether its hairstyles or clothes? Its just an extension of that.