CDC confirm the first case of the new human to human virus in America

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I found this picture of the 2019 coronavirus.

It seems to use glycoproteins for mobility/attachment and is covered by a lipid envelope. I’ll bet it also has enzymes that can transcribe and/or embed the genetic material into the host DNA, as most RNA viruses do (embed, all must transcribe). Which means it will have a higher likelihood of causing cancer, given that it causes a frame-shift mutation in order to accommodate the genome.

The source also states, “…the coronavirus is not necessarily lethal but can lead to respiratory illness such as the 2003 SARS outbreak.”

Seems like good news, but then again, how bad is the respiratory illness?

Not so bad if you’re one of those that only has “cold symptoms” Progressively worse for those who develop pneumonia.

Unlike bacterial PNE you can only attempt to control symptoms with viral PNE.

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Indeed. Pneumonia is not something to mess around with…I had that during Christmas break of 2010.

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I’ve seen quite a bit of it but the closest I ever came was “Walking Pneumonia” from a bacterial infection. It only took a few days to come up with the right antibiotic and controlling the symptoms was not a big deal. It stayed in the upper portion of the upper lobes so other than a fever and a little shortness of breath I had to serious issues.

Of course that was the late seventies before the antibiotic resistant strains were a problem.

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