Case Shiller Home Price index hits record high. Home price spiraling . . . (time to cut rates and raise home prices even further?)

Jerome Powell is an idiot.

Only an idiot would look at spiraling tulip prices and define “price stability” as providing below-market loans for tulip buyers.

I don’t know how this will end, but I don’t think it will be pretty.

All previous economists, and all previous Fed chairs were wrong, and if the US is a prosperous country, then that is just dumb luck and happened despite 200 years of wrongness.
Hmm, doesn’t seem likely.

Clearly, the present is a radical departure from the historical norms. A risky and never-tested experiment.

Maybe I am wrong to be pessimistic about the untried experiment, but an untried experiment is exactly what it is.

I predict it ends with home ownership becoming a thing for two groups those who currently own one and hands it down to their children or the top 7%.

Everyone else will have to do like most do in Ukraine and other second tier countries and get multiple roommates and rent forever. Home ownership will become a thing only for the few and will be a nation of renters.

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If we freeze the current situation in place, or continue in the current direction, something like that will likely happen. (See chart above.)

:rotating_light:**WORST LEVEL EVER!!**:rotating_light:

US pending home sales are lower than during the housing crisis
and lower than when . . .

checks notes

the entire country was shut down, including many banks, lenders, appraisers, realtors, and closing companies etc. , we had 13% unemployment and everyone thought they were going to die.