Today’s Democrat Party is not what it used to be. Back in the day many of today’s red states used to be blue, as the old Democrat Party championed itself as the party of the working people. Today’s Democrat are largely multimillionaires and elitists, who only associate with the wealthy and elite. They pass off this ruse of caring about us pee-ons, where the reality is that all they care about is power and holding onto that power, and their preferred method of doing that is to buy votes. Unfortunately, that tactic is effective, and many people vote Democrat without knowing what charlatans these people are. Many of these ignorant people didn’t know that today’s Democrat believes in open borders and have consistently pushed to make that happen. Now many of these voters are getting a taste of what that’s like and guess what, it’s not the utopia they were promised!
An infuriated local called mayor Brandon Johnson and Democrats ‘criminals’ for their handling of the situation as residents met to discuss a lawsuit filed against the city over its housing of migrants in public buildings.
‘We’re going to sue the bosses and sue the democrats as civilians, because they’re supposed to represent the people they voted for,’ the man said. ‘Don’t let the Democrats have their stupid convention here. Enough is enough. All I see is the citizens of Chicago marching to their death chambers.’
I’m pretty sure I’ve been warning these leftists about that for a while now.
All these big cities are now finding out what “sanctuary” status really means. It doesn’t mean you get to blow gas around virtue signaling how much you care…how you are the “good people”…
It means that when places like texas and Arizona are being overrun by illegal immigrants you the “good people” now get to open your homes and collect your share!
The prolific posters on this forum advocating the causes of liberalism are probably all middle class…
Sadly they have yet to recognize that they are supporting a collection of nuts who would turn on them in a heartbeat if they stood in the way of the nuts desire for control and power.
They need to take the voter rolls and start mandatory sheltering of all these people in the homes of every dem voter. You voted for it, you support it, you can live with your choice. Literally. I believe at this point however, even that wouldn’t be enough to wake up some of the true believers to the gravity of the situation.
Everyone believes that their philosophy is the correct approach — and many who are in power are willing to gamble with the lives of innocent people to prove themselves as being infallible.
The victims of their gambling addiction are treated as necessary casualties to satisfy their appetite to implement their ideology, which is why the cries for justice are constantly falling on deaf ears.
In Minnesota, Hennepin County District Attorney Mary Moriarty is facing stark criticism from victims and family members of victims in the greater Minneapolis area for her policy positions that give disproportionate leniency to rapists, pedophiles, and murderers despite her previous promise to “deliver more safety and more justice.”
He also expressed apprehensions about the criminal records of some migrants, asserting that there was no reliable way to confirm the identities of these individuals.
With crime spiking all year long in the District, people who live all around D.C. have said they feel violence is overwhelming them and the crime stats are there to prove it.
According to Metropolitan Police Department statistics, homicides are up 38% with 217 murders so far this year and violent crime has spiked to 40% since last year.
“The city is back under siege. It’s out of control,” Tranthem said. “She [Bowser] knows that.”
The sad part is that many lib voters honestly think these politicians care about them. Pretty sad and naive.
They want to give Feinstein’s Senate seat to Oprah or Magon Markle…
That’s how much in common they have with the People.
Middle Class America…
Look down on your chest…WHAT do you see written all over it !!!
The irrefutable fact is, under today’s authoritarian democrat party leadership, our government doesn’t help to fix the nation’s problems. It fixes the people, like Trump, who dare to point to the nation’s problems.
The Democrat Party Leadership is not content with having turned NYC into a rat, garbage and crime infested ■■■■■■■■■ It has now saw fit to include in its infestation tens of thousands of poverty-stricken, poorly educated, low skilled, diseased, disabled, and criminal, illegal entrant foreign nationals.