CARAVAN UPDATE: DHS Says Group Now Numbers 8,500, 90% Ineligible for Asylum, More 'On Their Way'

Originally published at: CARAVAN UPDATE: DHS Says Group Now Numbers 8,500, 90% Ineligible for Asylum, More ‘On Their Way’ | Sean Hannity

The Department of Homeland Security issued a new statement on the ‘migrant caravan’ at the United States’ southern border Tuesday; saying the “overwhelming majority” of immigrants are not eligible for asylum.

“Given the activities of the last 24 hours at the San Ysidro Port of Entry, I want to provide an update on what occurred and attempt to dispel many of the rumors and much of the misinformation circulating,” said DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen. “The caravan is far larger and more organized than previous ones. There are 8,500 caravan members in Tijuana and Mexicali. There are reports of additional caravans on their way.”

“The overwhelming majority of these individuals are not eligible for asylum in the United States under our laws. Historically, less than 10% of those who claim asylum from #Guatemala, #Honduras, and #ElSalvadorare found eligible by a federal judge. 90% are not eligible,” she added.

Read her full statement here.