Capital Gazette shooter identified-motivated by personal vendetta, not politics

Indeed its called “white-Hispanic” the new ethnic group that libs created for George Zimmerman!!

Being predisposed to kill does not cause deaths either.

Acting on the predisposition does.

No doubt.

Thanks for reminding everyone that it’s worse than what even I typed.

men are more violent. Testosterone is partly the reason. Men have more. Look up the correlation between testosterone and aggression. IOW… men are “born that way”. Maybe “aggressive men” should be a protected class like homosexers are.

I think you stumbled across the solution (while trying to justify why men blow away their wives/exes/girlfriends). Just sell them squirt guns.

What’s your view on abortion? Are you fine with it? If not, why not?

Well, that’s a lie.

Man I’m good! I should be the Director of the FBI.

Huh @WildRose

well… it went from being an esoteric classification that only demographic statisticians used to being the go-to phrase in the liberal lexicon whenever a Hispanic did something wrong.

Regardless , the classification has been around since at least 2003.

Actually, 1999.

And the folks killed at “Freddie’s Fashion Mart” by Sharpton’s rhetoric.

Some obscure census classification doesn’t mean the term was common usage.

So do you also consider those who stoke anger at the media through their attacks on Fox News to be responsible for this?

  1. the attack and rhetoric on media didn’t cause this one, I believe if they continue though there will be one
  2. Did the last president call fix the enemy of the people? Did someone call for Fox news reporters to be gunned down by vigilentees? If so then yeah I would assign the same level of blame k. A future attack

wouldn’t a self appointed and insane “patriot” feel justified at taking down Fox?

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an opinion piece criticizing the perceived bias of Fox and the right media is not even remotely on the same level as the president of the United states calling the the whole press enemy of the people. or Mili calling for the gunning down of reporters

this would be on the exact same level of an editorial in the WSJ criticizing MSNBC acting during the Obama administration. both well deserved criticism.

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Well, he sure listened to Dana Loesch

Milo is a big mouth who was probably trying to get attention. Nothing resulted from this. Trump does not call for violence against the anti-Trump media any more than Obama called for violence when he was attacking Fox News.
But thanks for the new level of partisanship.

Is there a reason this matters?