Canadian truckers’ ‘Freedom Convoy'

New Jersey, Delaware Lifting School Mask Mandates—Other States May Be Next

I understand you labeling these blue area different countries but no…we’re still “united”. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

They have to block roads because nobody would notice if that many trucks just stayed home.

Blue states are lifting mandates because they realise they are bleeding their voter based who are defecting because of the mandates.


He’s a bad leader regardless of the tag you put on him.

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There is no comparison between requirements to attend public schools and mandates to be allowed to participate in life.

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You are right. And that’s sad. You don’t even have the right to speak your mind.

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Do you have anything to show otherwise?

Weeks ago? Which blue states?

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Really? If you extrapolate from the first of November, the January peak doesn’t exist.

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That’s a great way to get trucks hauling freight again. :neutral_face:

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Until the next time, right?

A rolling blockade would be just as effective … probably more so. When it’s unpredictable, it cannot easily be countered.

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Have you ever heard the expression “see the handwriting on the wall”?


Yeah … Until the grocery store shelves were bare, which would be in less than three days after the trucks were parked.


They should be sued for lying about it. I know they can’t be sued for FORCING everyone to take the experimental therapeutic (It’s NOT a vaccine), but i bet they can be sued for misrepresenting it.

I wonder how rich i could get starting a class action?


Someone anonymously tossing a handful of roof nails out the window would block it for a couple hours… Slow rolling over it… that could last for days…

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Trudeau isn’t the Premier of Ontario.

This has been going on three weeks so far the stores are fine.

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Yet he keep getting elected.

They had to stop other people–other trucks–from working, to have actually have a noticable demonstration. Move the obstacles, and there’s nothing stopping the shelves from being full.

Absolutely. I can’t see a situation ever happening where enough trucks could stop moving to empty shelves. Too much competition.