CAN/US Trade war brewing

The President is trying to save his campaign and the only foreign policy tool he has is tariffs.

Artificially increasing the price of a commodity during an extended economic downturn didnt work out 90 years ago… but maybe this time is different.


Canada needs to learn it’s place.

That is probably why.

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You’re making a claim about Canada collapsing in sixty days. Show your math. Otherwise you have no facts to back that up. It’s a false claim. Trade wars help no one. Especially not between one of our closest allies and 3rd largest trade partner. Also, Canada and the US are good friends. Longest undefended border should count for something. :slightly_smiling_face::canada:

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If…there was a war and the necessity of this industry became more apparent to you, you may then understand? This industry can not collapse with in our country.

How did you like the availability of masks at the beginning of this pandemic?

This is Canada we are talking about

Are we going to war with Canada anytime soon?

Canada is IMO our closest ally and no, I’m not insinuating that the attack would come from Canada but we also can not totally depend on Canada if the need should arise from an attack elsewhere in the world.

So Canada being our closest ally is having Aluminum tariffs slapped on them.

This is during an economic downturn and staring down a for real Depression.

Now we have been down the road before of the effects of protectionist trade policies during a Depression… but maybe this time it will be different.

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I spelled the logic of this decision out for you…and now…we must agree to disagree…k? :sunglasses:

One thing I’ve always found interesting, is this weird belief that if there is a trade war and another country loses more money than we do, that we win? Odd belief. All for modifying trade agreements, wish we had been part of PTA, but seems like some people think that since we’re a net loss in trade then we’re losing and that if we stopped imports we’d be fine. Doesn’t work that way

Why couldn’t we depend on our closer ally in times of war?

I mean, except for the fact that trump has ruined relationships with most of our closest allies.

What are allies for if not to depend on in times of need?

Screw Canada. Let’s trade more with other countries.

LOL. There’s always that. Have you ever heard of Comparative Advantage?

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More protectionist retardery.

It has never worked whenever its been tried and has always crashed and burned.

So lets try it again.
