Can anyone defend Scott Pruitt

well this might explain a whole lot

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OMG. Can you imagine?

This is one pig who certainly knows how to slurp at the taxpayer trough. He’s no amateur. Would be interesting to trace his past taxpayer-raping. Can’t wait for the books!

He needs a place for his customized, silver, engraved $250 jeweler fountain pens.

The whistle blower is an uber trumper too. He’s upset he had to throw away a 20 year carrier because of Pruitt’s corruption.


dat edit button.

Look up what he did in 2016 as AG when the voters successfully petitioned to get medicinal cannabis on the ballot.

His state doesn’t want him back.

can get anyone else to be effective…Grow some morals

if nothing happens to this piece of ■■■■■ i hope the next admin. files charges.

Exactly who didn’t already know that?

Can you really put a price on lib tears though?

My cat…I told him…he just ignored me

Its a known fact cats can be ignorant and stubborn. To whit I think the GOP should change their mascot from the elephant who is known to have exceptional memory to that of a cat. Because memory seems short in current GOP memories, but stubborness and ignorance in such people seem to be in abundance.

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and cats are dicks…so it works out

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$8.47 for 4oz according to google. plus its bacon scented

Not all, just most. There are still decent republicans. They just aren’t the trump kind who seem to be running their game at the moment.

Caught me a fresh one!

womp womp

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