Can a state university declare a background photo of the president "cyberbullying"?

Including the harassment of a student by the administration for a zoom background.

This is pure snowflake-ism. Typical of universities.

And typical of libs to defend it.


I gave my opinion that I think it shouldn’t be. But I also stated that technically it is.

Especially when they aren’t the thoughts or views of the person being penalized.


I’m not upset about it. Donald trump or not, if it’s disruptive it should go.

I completely agree.

From the article I referenced:
A spokesperson for the school confirmed to the Washington Examiner that Dailyda is a student at Stockton University and is involved in a code of conduct case. “That case is still open and no disciplinary action has been taken,” said Diane D’Amico, the director of news and media relations at the university.

So a whole bunch of folks here are claiming that his first amendment rights might have been violated.
But we do not know what codes he violated or what is in those codes.
So I believe any discussion of his freedom of speech is rather premature.

Yes they can do it. Because they are liberal, totalitarian, tyrants who’s only opinion they value is their own.

These are college students, ostensibly, “adults”. If a picture of the POTUS is so disturbing they cannot function they need counseling, not the whole world kissing their asses to make them feel better about their dysfunction.


If they “would not say what parts” of the CoD were broken, it’s because they know the actions don’t really fit the rules they are alleging were broken.


According to the university, the image of President Trump caused students “to feel offended, disrespected, and taunted.”

My answer…grow the ■■■■ up and mature into an adult who then can choose the direction they want to go. This doesn’t mean you shut down everything else due to your feelings. You simply choose to go the way that you have decided…period.