Cambridge Analytica ran voter suppression campaigns, whistleblower claims

That one requires a couple more


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Your dodging of my question is all I need to know that I’m right.

I didn’t dodge any question.

Agree to disagree. People can read the thread.


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How the heck can you have a real discussion until you have the specifics of what was done to keep anyone from voting? That is vote suppression isn’t it?

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You’re under the impression those that are gulping this down are wanting to have a real discussion. :joy:

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We won’t know what Cambridge Analytica was doing until an investigation is completed but here are some details on voter suppression. Don’t say I never did anything for you.

Look for a trend in which party tends to be guilty.

You’ll ignore this because of the source but there are good details here.

The book Dark Money also gets into a lot of details about Republican voter interference.

I look forward you to ignoring this post!

I provided some examples of chronic Republican voter suppression for you to ignore. Enjoy!

Are you saying Dems are too dumb to understand when someone’s pulling their chain when it comes to their voting rights?


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Well, actually I was interested in what Cambridge Analytica did to suppress voter turn out. You might have left it with just “I don’t know”.

But I did trace a little of the linked sites. thinkprogress says that “people of color” were suppressed. When you trace that, you find out what they are really talking about is laws that prohibit convicted felons from votinng. Think progress apparently associates these with “people of color”.
The Constitution says rights like this cannot be taken away without “due process of law”. That is exactly what these people had. There is a logic in not wanting bank robbers to have a say in making laws about bank robbing.

But…clearly Cambridge had nothing to do with preventing convicted felons from voting, so all of this is very irrelevant.

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“Whistleblower” CNNs word for a pinkhaired twenty-something conspiracy theorist who calls advertising agencies “foreign defense contractors” because they once tried to get an account with weapons companies.

Yeah. I believe him the way I believe Donald Trump.

So far I have found one example of this alleged suppression of the black vote (from Salon):

“In one example, “Facebook posts were targeted at some black voters reminding them of Hillary Clinton’s 1990s description of black youths as ‘super predators’, in the hope it would deter them from voting,” the Guardian reported.”

So telling the truth about Hillary and her past statements was a scheme to suppress the black turn out for Hillary? Under this definition, any campaign argument against a candidate should be considered an attempt to suppress the votes for that candidate.

Every negative comment about Trump by Democrats would, of course, also have to be considered an attempt to suppress his voters, and when those were made in reference to alleged racism they were attempting to suppress minority voters for Trump.

I can now see why those joining in this chorus about black vote suppression do not want to deal with specifics.


I have no problem admitting it if it were true.

The whistleblower actually testified before congress, so real news. Are you actually saying CNN made this up?

If all of us would just learn to ignore certain people this place would be better. That guy is irritating everybody on purpose. Not just one side either. I already purposely skip all of his posts.

[quote=“CaughtInTheMiddle, post:70, topic:941, full:true”]

If all of us would just learn to ignore certain people this place would be better. That guy is irritating everybody on purpose. Not just one side either. I already purposely skip all of his posts.
[/quote])OK, I’m convinced.