California fires...its largely about land management and environmental management

It is poor management…and if those find that offensive too bad.

Truth hurts sometimes.

Let’s withhold federal dollars… because ■■■■ them. They don’t vote for the GOP anyway.

If they are not managing their money why continue sending them more money?

Because your fellow citizens are losing everything.

I largely agree with you here. If you want another perfect example more in my neck of the woods, look at Yellowstone. That was 30 years ago, hasn’t had the drought issue California has had, yet the forests there are still a tangled mess of dead fuel trees because some armchair quarterback thinks all fires are bad.

That whole park is going to burn to the ground sometime soon because people can’t grasp that forests NEED fires to stay healthy.

The same thing could of been said last year with Houston and the fact that they keep rebuilding half the city inside a worsening flood plain

Trump is supposed to be a voice of reason and leadership during national tragedies. He has shown all of the grace and nuance of my idiot drunk father-in-law yelling at his television.

This kind of response to an ongoing disaster is completely horrible. Worst president ever.

Actually half of the park nearly burnt down. :wink:

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Yes and I have a problem with that as well.

You are smart enough to know what is offensive here. It’s not the opinion of what should be done in the future about these fires.

Well growing up we managed our own hill precisely to prevent wild fires.

He’s right. At the very LEAST they can build a series of fire breaks wide enough to stop fires from reaching towns. The environmental whackos won’t let hardly anything to be done. Better to just let it all burn down, right?

Now is not the time for POTUS be a nasty ■■■■■■■ to people who have died or lost everything.

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Do you think any town wants their beautiful views destroyed?

It’s easy to armchair quarterback.

It’s never a good time to speak the truth.

That’s not what he was doing but you are so full of hate your want to think so. He addressed to root of the problem. That wasn’t denigrating anyone.

They probably don’t but if its government land they need to tell the town it’s for fire prevention & do it rather than what is happing over & over. Or do you have a better solution? I’m open to solutions rather than politics.

The President would never say anything like this to Florida.

Sure. While someone’s house is still burning and their dead children have just been taken away is good time to tell the owner that is was their fault because they should have had another fire extinguisher in the house.

Hey, it’s the truth.

You’ll defend the sociopath no matter what.

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Politics are part of reality. A “solution” divorced from reality isn’t a solution. Those towns vote.