California Assembly passes bill allowing illegals to qualify for 150K down payment assistance

Can we stop pretending that Democrats aren’t encouraging illegal immigration? Between this and countless other policies, it’s clear as daylight that Democrats will do everything possible to get as many illegals as they can at the expense of citizens.


illegal aliens with social security numbers earning enough money to buy a house

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They would need to qualify for a mortgage loan first. Which requires SSN, ID, Verified income etc.

It is also a loan, not a give away.

This is a highly competitive program. Why should citizens have to compete against illegals?


If one is pending citizenship for any reason, shouldn’t they be allowed to purchase a home and thus be eligible for this loan?

They are presumably paying payroll tax, federal tax, sales tax and would be paying property tax.

3 chicks racist

Is this another bill? Newsome already has a program for 150K loans in which one borrower must be first generation.

nope, same bill. and no competition at all. You can’t get this loan.

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Democrats are bored of American citizens.

Probably a result of information capitalism.

…which in part is why Trump is so popular. “We” want our immigration laws enforced.


illegals cant get a legit ssn or tax id.


which is needed to qualify.


give (someone) permission to do something:
“the dissident was allowed to leave the country”
permit (someone) to have (something):
“he was allowed his first sip of Scotch and soda”

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So we can presume things? How about people who overstayed visas, came in illegally… they’re eligible as long as they’ve paid some taxes?

Doesn’t stop illegal kids from getting in state tuition. There’s no oversight on this.


Do they have an ssn, verifiable income, ID? If so, then yes.

One needs to be a resident for more than a year and be a citizen to get in state tuition.

Residency requirements | Understanding residency for purposes of UC tuition.

“4. Immigration status

You must have the legal ability to establish a permanent domicile in the United States, meaning that you must be a citizen or permanent resident of the United States or hold a valid, qualifying nonimmigrant visa.“

its very clear most trumpies didnt read the law and fell for the outrage.

you can be an immigrant and apply for the program provided you have a legit SSN and verifiable income.


Doesn’t even have to be legit. Like they’re going to deny an illegal access if the SSN isn’t valid. California cares more about illegals than US citizens, especially veterans.


“A 2013 report from the Social Security Administration estimated that roughly half of illegal immigrant workers use an SSN.5 Two subsequent developments suggest that figure is now higher.”