C-span Suspends Former biden Intern steve scully After he Admits Lying About twitter Hack


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Yes, they set the rules for the debate.

Trump had coronavirus, so they moved it to virtual for everyoneā€™s safety.

Trump refused to abide by the rules, and cancelled.

Glad we agree.


Why did they change it to virtual? Was it because of Scully or some other reasonā€¦hmmā€¦?:thinking:

Trump is getting a stage to himself tonightā€¦and heā€™s already whining heā€™s being set upā€¦lol. What an Alpha Maleā€¦:roll_eyes:

Lol thatā€™s pretty funny. Trumpsplaining.


Jack should consider changing his surname. Itā€™s always getting blacked out on this forum.

I thought you were kidding. Nope.

Must be rough to go through life with everyone and the family dog plotting against you. In another ten years Trump will be whining that the nurse stole his stewed peaches.

Say what? They cancelled because Trump backed out.

What kind of gaslighting is this? We werenā€™t all in a coma over the last week.



Alternate facts.

ā€œThey cancelled the debates!ā€

ā€œUm, because Trump said he wouldnā€™t participate.ā€

ā€œAHA! CHECKMATE!ā€ :rofl:


Why agree to do a fake news town hall?

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Why do people say ā€œI was hackedā€ like thatā€™s going to work in 2020?

ā€œThe president called me a dumb name. Iā€™m used to dealing with adults and made a mistake by asking Gretchen Weiners how to deal with Regina George when I should have ignored her. My bad.ā€

Just say the above.

On the other hand, C-Span puts up with no nonsense.

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Yeah, NUMB-SCULLY, weā€™re all way ahead of you.

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Donā€™t know that C-Span should have suspended him over this, but definitely would disqualify him for moderating a debate.

This :point_up: has nothing to do with this :point_down:

Conflation. Nice try though. Trump chickened out of the 2nd debate, so everyone else moved on.

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The current Trump administration of just phoning in their gaslighting is apparently trickling down to some of their supporters.

Probably just because he lied about it.

I can understand, in theory. But what he did pretty much personifies many in the media business nowadays. And, I have a hard time believing that Scully is the only one at C-Span that operates like this. My opinion is that it was simply a CYA for C-Span. Then again, I wasnā€™t the one at C-Span that made the call.

The debate was scheduled for tonight.

Trump has been cleared by his doctor.

The corrupt debate commission owes Trump an apology.

And another debate.

Heā€™s probably right.

He was right about scully.

Glad you got a chuckle out of it.


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