Bye bye Kari Lake

You’re up early.

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Got to get that workout in.


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Why would she add that they will have to go through them and they are card carrying members of the NRA? That last bit was totally unnecessary unless she wanted it to be construed as a threat about violence. Trumps legal issues have nothing to do with guns or the 2A.

“If you want to get to President Trump, you’re going to have to go through me, and you’re going to have to go through 75 million Americans just like me.

“And I’m going to tell you, most of us are card-carrying members of the NRA [National Rifle Association]. That’s not a threat – that’s a public service announcement.

If someone is “going through” someone else, who is the threat?

So I came into this thread to see if Kari Lake is actually gone.

Eight months after the thread was created: Bye bye Kari Lake

I guess she’s not really gone. :person_shrugging:

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She is certainly gone as far as it the governors office is concerned.

I love the semantic word games and pedantry on this forum.

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It’s only those things when your accusations get called out.

It happens a lot to lib posts.

Hope that helps!

Sure it does :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Too much money to be made. This is her career now.


I really really want Trump to pick her as his running mate.

You all have a democrat in the government calling for someone to shoot trump. Would you call that a threat?

Absolutely. It is something that Stacey Plaskett should have never said. I am afraid that any type of bad language leveled at particular people is not going to end well.

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When is she going to get indicted?

Agreed, she should have immediately apologized and gone on record that violent rhetoric has no place in our political discussions.

By whom?

She should be in a jail cell waiting for her trial.

Hey, somebody just said this in another thread:

So interesting watching the left defend their crooks getting away with crimes. While they call for jailing members of the other side of the aisle.


Well, we know the DOJ won’t hold her accountable. So, I guess another leftist criminal gets away with her crime. Good to know that now members of government can call for the killing of members of the other side of the aisle.

Interesting watching you overlook a member of your party calling for a member of the other party to be killed. Seems what I said was true. The left even cheers members of their party calling for the killing of member of the other party. And not one word about what she said is a crime and she needs to held accountable. Seem your big gotcha is a dud because you performed right on cue.