Buttigieg claims victory


He wasn’t declaring victory. He emphasizes the fact that a year ago, nobody know who he was and that in itself is a victory.

Besides, he’s got the ground game perfected; all counties, especially the most rural. Those campaign leads can call the main campaign HQs and give them the count. Maybe this “victory” will give him more name recognition.

Mayor Pete surprised me as did lack of support for Biden. Most polls had it a two way battle for first Sanders/Biden and third place would be Warren or Pete.

It will be interesting since the same pollsters are polling everywhere if we will see similar over achieving and lower achieving in polls down the road. Hands down biggest loser of Iowa Biden, second biggest loser Yang, not that he was ever going to win but only 1% damn.

I don’t believe it. Anyway, if so, he’ll be back in the rear in no time…


No need to buy nothing. Just use the FEMA camps left over from Jade Helm.

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I like how Joe sounds like Howard Dean now.

“I’m going to fight for this nomination. I’m going to fight for it here in New Hampshire, and in Nevada and then in South Carolina and beyond.”


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Agreed. Based on Trump’s continued support, the country isn’t currently ready for a competent, intelligent and honorable President.

But Buttigieg DID win. So maybe he had better internal result regulators then the state did.

Right, America doesn’t seem ready for man who served his country, served his city, and now wants to serve the citizens of the USA in a respectful professional manner.

Why wouldn’t America be ready for Bittigieg? What would they not be ready for?

Ask the minority democratic voters in South Carolina, they might have the answer. It has nothing to do with the GOP on why Mayor Pete will get hammered in the south.

I don’t know any minorities in the south…so what’s the deal. Why isn’t America Ready for him? I’d vote for him if he ever ran for Governor Indiana. And I am not a democrat.

Because he’s married to a man, and gay marriage doesn’t represent the values of many Americans. I happen to agree.

Now you did it.

Finally, no more Royals! :rofl:

Home of the only woman I’ve ever loved.

But a 3 time married war Dodger is who cheats on his wife and fakes being religious is?

Guess you have a point

Fake? He seems repentant.


Lol…I mean…lol…
Of all the things he would change that’s it?

Wow…no wonder he has the gop fooled

Does he.