I saw a bullfight as a teenager and was pretty sickened by it. Even back in the 80s as a kid I could not get my head around that so many people enjoyed it.
I know many countries have bullfighting which does not physically hurt the animal but still they are tauting and goading it so in my opinion it is still a form of cruelty.
However its up to these individual countries to determine it it should be banned or changed in someway.
My grandparents were from Spain. My grandmother used to hate bullfighting. She also didn’t like running with the bulls. She thought the people that did that were as dumb as rocks. I don’t remember her exact words.
Me personally, I like it when the bull wins. But how often does that happen? It’s a sport. I don’t get outraged over it. I don’t hunt either, but people also hunt for sport. Most hunters don’t do it to cull the population. They don’t do it for food. They do it because they enjoy hunting and killing an animal. Something I do not enjoy. But I’m not judging them either.
Burning people with a tire was absolutely genius. Minimize the use of actual fuel to start the fire. It gets stupidly hot really fast. Also makes cleanup easier.
250,000 bulls are killed in the ring each year. They eat the bull afterwards. 200 horses die each year bullfighting as well. Not sure if they eat the horse or not, but I’ve had Texas fajitas and wondered at times. Its not going anywhere.