The WaPo rag is full of ■■■■■ My father received a Bronze Star with Oak Leaf Cluster for his actions during the Battle of The Rhineland during WWII. The Army doesn’t recommend a soldier for any Award because they’re a a ■■■■■■■ officer.
Every who’s ever been in the Military during a time of war knows that the Bronze Star Medal is handed out to senior enlisted and officers just for showing up to the deployment.
I was wondering what is the British equivalent calle?. I know both militaries have similar decorations but they are always named differently. Like how the Medal of Honor is equivalent to the Victoria Cross in the commonwealth countries.
My Platoon Sergeant in Iraq, rode a profile for 10 months downrange, was the last in the company to go outside the wire, did exactly 2 missions outside the wire, never saw combat - Bronze Star Medal awarded at EOT.
My last platoon leader in Afghanistan, a butter bar, served 2 1/2 months in theater, never participated in combat - Bronze Star Medal awarded at EOT.
E7 and above, Bronze Star Medal for showing up. There’s a couple on here who have them for it too.
Hmm your service is much more recent than my Dad’s or mine. Dumb me, I always thought the Star like other awards were recommended for legit reasons like laying it on the line.