Bridget Ziegler: Gay for me but not for thee

There you go! Don’t forget the hot requirement.

A knight?


A man would want to serve women…

Yet women should also be obedient to the man. Gotcha.

Do you?

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I get how a lot of male posters here think. So yeah.

It’s ok to appreciate watching gay knight sex. Hot or not.

The proper term is homosexual.

Fair enough.

I’ll defer to your experience.

Glad you’re not married.

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I sincerely doubt you have to do that.

I don’t think that’s true at all.

On this topic, absolutely.

cat fight

Yes it must be. Now it’s in the hands of the police. It’s the specific public record, right?

I don’t think private property like that is made public if it’s not used as evidence of anything.