Bridget Ziegler: Gay for me but not for thee


In other news… “Catch-22” has been banned from Florida schools.


In a hilarious twist… Atlas Shrugged and The Fountainhead has also been banned… so not all bad.

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Why? Too boring?

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A high chance of creating more Rand Pauls


And Paul Ryans.


In the article it says that. Does that mean that after the investigation the Sextape could be made public?

" In response to a specific public record request for that video, the Sarasota Police Department on Thursday asserted the video was exempt from disclosure due to the ongoing criminal investigation. "

Should it be made public if it doesn’t get used as evidence?

Welcome to the forum.

Having a lesbian fling is not “gay.”

If they’re both hot.

Yes it is.

Nah, it’s cool.

And homosexual.

Nothing wrong with that. Especially if you enjoy watching it.

Nah, they’re good.

Yes. They are not allowed to be human because they hold a different opinion.
But hold the correct opinion and you can make sex tapes in the senatorial hearing chamber and no big deal.

You guys are so tiresome with your blatant hypocrisy.


He got fired. How is that “no big deal”?

Both of them?

If you had sex with a man you’re not gay? And still a man right. No judgement you have all the man on man sex you want.

Males are different. Different things, different rules.

No. A male.

So women with women is not gay. But when you have sex with a man it’s gay?