Breaking: Trump praises Qanon supporters

Two of the shooters hated both parties. The third person was not even an American citizen.
So according to you they were democrats.
And hate to tell you but there are white supremacist among the leftist. Just like there are racist, sexist, pedafiles, murderers, thieves, anti semic’s and ect.


White Supremacists love diversity!

With the exception of murderer that all sounds eerily close to someone I saw on TV today

It’s funny seeing someone trying to say what’s been written for all to see here has not been written.

If you can find 1 leftist who supports antifa that means everyone on the left supports antifa?

But here you are and you can’t provide one little fact that all white supremacist are republican. Can’t white wash the leftist past. Not every kkk member left the dem party.

I understand.

White Supremacists are attracted to the Dem diversity. They love immigration.

You roll with that :fist:t5:

I’m not the one who made up the rule that if some nut is called alt right that makes the whole republican party alt right. And that what ever the alt right does is approved by the republicans if they remain silent and don’t denounce the crazy person.

Yeah, we’re in hell buddy.

We skipped purgatory I’m afraid. No one’s paying for their sins.

Like you said, even the TV’s bad.

But you still can’t prove that all the white supremacist are republicans.

Nobody is doing that.

Name 1 part of the 2020 Democratic Party platform that would appeal to white supremacists

Lol. The Rothschilds and Soros heart this post.


Name one thing in the Democrat Party Platform, beyond “we hate Trump.”. that ANYONE likes.?

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Majority of Americans approve of the following:

Healthcare for all
Racial justice
Taxing the very rich
Reproductive choice
A more robust COVID response

Shall I go on?

Ps - I hate Trump.

The people already know. All the dems do is destroy things and undermine the people, cause chaos and foster hate.

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The people who will vote in Biden and a new blue Senate this November? Those people?

I’m sure the phantom voters will be out in full force, but real voters will be there, and it will be another Trump landslide.

Sure they are.
They just got done trying to tie three shootings to the Republican party.
When it was pointed out that one was not even a citizen and the other two were white supremist we were told the two were republicans.
Their reason why is because there are not any white supremist who support the democrats so they are republicans.

What does it matter what the dem party platform is? You under the impression that all the racist left the dem party?