Breaking: Top diplomat confirms there was quid pro quo

I’d add to this that Pompeo needs to release the cables asap as well. They are coming out one way or another. There is a digital copy of them stored, and there is no shredding of the document to make it go away.

No. We’re at: Nothing matters. We have no principles. We’ve always been terrible human beings because that’s who we are. No one made us this way. Suck it libs!

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No…they don’t…still clinging to fake news…deep state…and Collusion Delusion.

That is all…

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But, but, but.,…he is a businessman! Businessmen expect people to “pay up before signing the checks.”

This honestly infuriates me as much as anything else. This is OUR money that Congress appropriated for Ukraine. This is NOT Trump’s money to be used to further his own personal agenda. Screw him!!! Screw all of these corrupt people. Teapot Dome has nothing on these corrupt bastards.

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Mark Levin on the Trump presidency today:

“There hasn’t been a hint of scandal.”

Listening to that kind of stuff is like having someone ■■■■ in your head every day.


And tell you it’s a new hair growth formula…

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They just make it up. It doesn’t matter how wrong it is, they just say it to get the idea out to the public. It works.

Don’t you know President Trump lost all his rights as an American when he won the election according to the insane leftist progressives.

Wow had it deleted.


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But they only poop the truth.

Yeah real stupid news! :roll_eyes:

It’s every Americans right to be a crooked President! Maga.

Yeah. I had a lame post flagged and deleted.

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Did you read the 15 page statement? Please read it so we can discuss any details you like.


You’re probably correct. Which is why this thread is devoid of any serious defense…as there is none that can be offered. So it is safe in the bubble of irrational denial. How sad to see how far so many have fallen.

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It’s only gonna get worse

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And here is the kicker… it is only going to get worse.

There are more people talking.


Everybody falls…in every walk of life. Throwing one’s self off the mountain side is irrational.

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Uhm. It’s not breaking and it’s not a bombshell. Every bombshell fizzles. We saw the transcripts of the call. We don’t need any help with the explanation.

Hunter Biden was accepting a huge salary from a Ukrainian energy company and nobody knows why. Joe Biden threatened Ukraine with a billion dollar aid cut if they didn’t fire a prosecutor. Trump did what he’s supposed to do. Expose corruption. There is only one reason the dems want to impeach for this. Because it’s all they have. And they know they can’t beat him fair and square. Shifty is a pathological liar.

Absolutely. The floodgates are swinging wide open in real time. People will be faced with the choice of owning the truth and revealing all they know, or risk the tidal wave of corruption that will be exposed of them all. I suspect a great many will side with the truth, if out of self preservation for no other reason.